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    Secret to putting push-lok fittings on

    I put on 4 the other day and bruised the crap out of my palms. I put some cutting oil on the fittings first then press and turn, but it's still hard.
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    Need timer for Air Machine

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    Need timer for Air Machine

    My Adams air machine timer seems to have died and the replacement is $78. Any cheaper timers that you guys would suggest? Here is what is in there now.
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    Help with Ginsan boards frying

    I think the bays are already individually fused. I was told that on one of them they received a complaint that the door lost power. They replaced the fuse in the ER to that bay and then went to the bay and the door was smoking. Seems weird though that the fuse wouldn't have just burned a 2nd...
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    New PPP

    Opens on the 11th, but no idea when the new EIDL advance will open up.
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    Help with Ginsan boards frying

    I think for sure that somehow double 24v is getting to the board, so starting there is a good idea. If it was only one bay, I would think that maybe 2 wires were somehow fused together somewhere on the way, but it affected all 4. From what I learned today, all 4 bays went out at different...
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    Help with Ginsan boards frying

    Thanks guys. I just got involved trying to help, so will get as much information as possible. It is a Ginsan pump stand. Makes sense that power is sneaking in from somewhere. I wonder if he had electricians try to fix something in the past and they did it their way and created this mess.
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    Help with Ginsan boards frying

    Yes, same original equipment, nothing has been updated or changed. So just run each option and timed load should not be above 2 amps?
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    Help with Ginsan boards frying

    No, that would have been helpful. Been different bays, just random.
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    Help with Ginsan boards frying

    I am trying to help a friend with his wash and we are trying to figure out why the boards in his SS Ginsan doors keep frying. Started about a month ago and happens randomly and to different bays. Any idea what could cause something like this? He's had several electricians try to figure out...
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    Self serve pump stands, or what were these idiots thinking

    Before and after in 2016 when I ripped everything out and replaced the home made stand with a JC stand I rebuilt. Also added spot free and TF while I was at it.
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    WashWorld Razor Edge Max Vehicle Height

    I'm pretty sure Washworld told me 90" vehicles would fit, but I put my bar at 84" so that there is margin for error as people hit it and don't notice.
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    WashWorld Razor Edge Max Vehicle Height

    You do use tons more water though with the Radius.
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    Converting a Razor 3 to a rain bar

    Converted Rain Bar on the Profile. My Razor is the same, but not as powerful since the pump isn't as strong.
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    Unlimited Pass - Why are they offered?

    What pay station you using?
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    A Busted Profile for X-mas

    Always grateful when no customers or cars get damaged/hurt. Do you think the belt just wore out, or was it ever damaged in some way?
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    New autocashier

    Looks great if you are going to offer memberships, but I read somewhere that they charge a high monthly free to use it.
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    New PPP

    Loans are capped at 2 million this time and you have to show a 25% reduction in income in one quarter this year, so I would expect it to go a long way even thought the overall funds are lower. Good advice to check with your bank now though if interested as you never know.
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    Weep issue - Solenoid?

    I now use the Dema 473. No idea why the Asco wore out so quickly, but my water is soft. The diaphragm would just wear out as replacing it would fix the issue, but you have to buy the whole rebuild kit to get one, and that kit alone costs more than the Dema. I thought it was just a fluke, but...