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  1. MEP001

    Air Dryer guns

    AFAIAC = as far as I am concerned, but I don't know what the first T is for, possibly a typo.
  2. MEP001

    Triple foam

    I would pick whichever one has tanks with full lids to keep bugs and dust out.
  3. MEP001

    cat 5cp2120 vs 310

    You can order both the 5CP and the 310 with stainless inserts factory installed. Ideally you won't ever have a head wash out with those.
  4. MEP001

    cat 5cp2120 vs 310

    There's no break-in period. 5CP2120 and 310 are essentially the same pump, almost the same ratings. I'm not surprised they're louder than General pumps but they will last a lot longer. I've never noticed that 5CP2120 are louder than 310, but I've had a couple people tell me the same thing...
  5. MEP001

    Advice on putting up FRP walls in IBA

    At this rate we might have one more day NOT above 100 before September. And it's not a dry heat, have you ever experienced 100° and 99% humidity?
  6. MEP001

    Advice on putting up FRP walls in IBA

    I have, since June 1st.
  7. MEP001

    World Pay SNEAKY review trackers fee $$

    You are not legally required to do PCI compliance. That's a choice of your merchant processor. You may be able to demand they remove the requirement and the charges if the equipment itself meets compliance. I worked for a company that had an old dial-in card swiper unit, and it cannot be...
  8. MEP001

    SFR pressure

    I'd use a 1/2" or 3/4" solenoid and run minimum 3/4" hose to it. 1/2" hose to the bay should be enough.
  9. MEP001

    SFR pressure

    There is most likely going to be trash in the solenoids, thanks to that steel fitting on the line which feeds them. Pressure shouldn't ever get by a solenoid, instead if the maximum inlet pressure is exceeded the solenoid just won't open at all. I'm not sure what's going on with the solenoid...
  10. MEP001

    Credit/Debit Card Importance?

    Still looking forward to this.
  11. MEP001

    Credit/Debit Card Importance?

    You would lose. Then you are a complete idiot. You don't understand demographics at all, you just throw your numbers out there and claim they must be the same everywhere because that's what you see, if you are indeed posting real numbers.
  12. MEP001

    Cat 310 low pressure and pulsating like crazy

    It'll be cheaper if you order bulk hose and reusable fittings from Kleen-Rite.
  13. MEP001

    SFR pressure

    There shouldn't be algae in the spot free tank. The water should be so pure that nothing can grow and live in it. You may have a bad check valve allowing soap to back up into the tank.
  14. MEP001

    Credit/Debit Card Importance?

    Have they changed any because of all the CC skimmer reports out there? Most people I know are spreading the word that you should go inside the store and pay cash for gas (Or were before gas prices went up).
  15. MEP001

    Credit/Debit Card Importance?

    And I'll be the first one to use that rebuttal. I do plan on adding CC acceptance at some point, but my customers don't have credit cards and don't like using debit cards. There's a wash pretty close to mine that takes cards, and he says they're barely 10% of his income. It took two years for...
  16. MEP001

    Cat 310 low pressure and pulsating like crazy

    You're right, it was someone else with multiple threads on this same issue, I mixed yours in with his.
  17. MEP001

    Cat 530 Plunger Rod

    The plunger is loose on the steel rod even after torquing? It's not unusual for there to be a tiny bit of play from a loose fit of the connecting rod around the crankshaft, but if you can spin the plunger by hand you're just going to have to keep replacing the seals. You might try finding a...
  18. MEP001

    Scan Coin 303 hates quarters now.

    I second the thickness knob. In your video, the quarters aren't even reaching the belt.
  19. MEP001

    Razor Edge help : no Ceramic/ Hyper Flex

    What is that?