Yeh, a friend of mine did it. Built 3sites for $8mil. Sold em for $19mil. They didn't even require a no compete claus! Ha
So he built another one for $5mil. Walked away with $6mil.!!!
Im sure others have more impressive stories, but that's the only one i personally know...
He took a huge gameble, & it paid off. Kudos to him. Maybe he was playing with house money, & had just inherited a fortune. But he didn't "hide his talent".
He & his kids & grandkids are now set for life.
Now, anybody know what capture rates are nowadays?
Elbow grease. Power wash & paint yourself. Clean all Vac hoses, meter boxes, concrete, mow & fertilize. There's lots you can do. Work your A$$ off & be positive. Then charge more.
If you're too lazy & negative, sell it.
I found this very interesting. 5 yrs ago, the Express Tunnel market had matured. Ha
Little did we all know...
I have never seen a survey suggest 1.06 capture rate. Also, groups out there Claiming they need 40 & 50k traffic counts always seemed kinda crazy. Now we see tunnels going into small...