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    Ryko in MA

    I had the Gantry style, D&S 5000, & most of community didn't like it. Replaced w/ a used LW40PP, & sales have doubled! Folks here love the dually pkg also!
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    Business value and financing?

    If its not in a town that is on the upswing, I wouldn't do it. Only a few exceptions : equipment is new, super high traffic count, easy in/out, & no competition. Otherwise, I wouldn't go over $300k.
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    What's your best 3x Foam, for LW4000

    My 3x foam low ph Conditioner is followed immediately by the ccp/wax rinse. What about switching to JBS 3x Glo-Foam Polish? Kleen-Rite says it's brightest out there...!
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    What's your best 3x Foam, for LW4000

    any SPECIFIC types of 3x foam? I.E. JBS, Kleen -Rite, Simoniz, etc...?
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    What's your best 3x Foam, for LW4000

    So, are you guys saying that 3x foam conditioner, is more vibrant, than the polish? My 3x foam comes on right before the wax/ccp, followed by SFR & then dryers. Would putting 3x foam on as a conditioner, still work with this process?
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    What's your best 3x Foam, for LW4000

    Gotcha. However, there is NO WAY, the folks in my depressed town are going to pay $3 & UP, for those premium services. They already complain about paying $8 for 2 pass Pre-Soak, hp rinse, 3x foam, wax/ccp, sfr, dryer ! In an affluent area, I could definitely see the advantages that you listed.
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    What's your best 3x Foam, for LW4000

    Rob, explain how they get a higher profit margin. I thought 3x foam was a nice upsell, & very cheap to purchase? Are not Rain-X ICE, et all, very expensive, & your upsell can't match the profit margin of the 3x foam?
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    LW4000 Booster Pump

    what is Autowash maintenance? 2nd hand place...refurbs...?
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    Need advice on uninstall /install on S.S.

    I understand things, but not A LOT more. Ha. I've never owned a business, nor really worked on anything. Been pretty overwhelmed with all of it...
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    What's your best 3x Foam, for LW4000

    rph...that just confused me! LOL Does the polish vs. conditioner , really matter? If the conditioner is about the same price, but is way more bout just use that? I personally think my customers only care about "show" (i.e. color & or smell) when it comes to the 3x foam. With that...
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    What's your best 3x Foam, for LW4000

    I'm using Magic Clean 3x polish, from my distributor North of Dallas. It does pretty good, but isn't real vibrant. Just wondering what you guys use that gives the most vivid colors?
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    Need advice on uninstall /install on S.S.

    Bought a new booster pump, straight from GinSan, to the tune of $730! Will install it in a couple of days. I fixed my floJet problem, & looks like all the SS equipment is running well. It has been a LONGGGGGG nightmare. Do NOT buy equipment, that has set up for years, & having not been drained...
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    FloJet is "machine gunning" air out constantly...? help

    It's in a flooded state. It was a bad pump. I replaced it. Looks like everything is running good. I really appreciate you guys advice on things to do.
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    FloJet is "machine gunning" air out constantly...? help

    MEPS, you're correct, it was a bad elbow (& we replaced it). I'm not sure about fittings on the bottom. It looks to be outed upright, 3 of em side by side, on a FloJet bracket. I have no clue, about a controlled solenoid, going to the FloJet.....? That "machine gunning" is driving me crazy...
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    FloJet is "machine gunning" air out constantly...? help

    The "Elbow" is jus the elbow outlet, allowing flow of the Tire clean when the solenoid opens. The FloJet is mounted on the end, near the bottom of the pumpstand. The solenoids are all new, but I put them on a used 3-bay pumpstand, that I've been replacing....
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    FloJet is "machine gunning" air out constantly...? help

    I just replaced, unfortunately on Kleen Rite advice, my Santo FloJet w/ a Viton, & it is still "machine gunning" air out of the bottom. Makes my air compressor have to re-start often. I also noticed that my Tire Clean was spewing out of the top back elbow, coming off the manifold, but only when...
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    Need advice on uninstall /install on S.S.

    Pump leaked water profusely. We pulled off the front canister, & there was rust like crazy. Part of the cast iron had broke off, & seal was rotten.
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    Need advice on uninstall /install on S.S.

    Kleen-Rite: part # HP10E Weird, but ph is not letting me. Copy/Paste , or link right now.
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    Need advice on uninstall /install on S.S.

    GinSan 1hp booster pump, located at bottom of R/O system. $800+ from GinSan, or Kleen-Rite.