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  1. K

    Tire Cleaner problem

    Ok so I was checking things out today and tire cleaner totally out. In the past it was just the pump losing prime or air pressure too high, I could just shut off air for a bit and it's good. Now even with air off not a trickle out the gun. The psi gauge on solenoid bank is going higher than...
  2. K

    JBS Blue Foam Soap

    Anyone using the blue bubblegum for foam brush? I made up a drum full diluting down to about 20% before going into a hydrominder with one of those turtle wax blocks.... it still seems pretty damn strong, copius super thick foam. Thinking about diluting some more. Anyone using it? How far down...
  3. K

    Why isn’t my self serve working out?

    I think the monex unit (assuming they do hold up) is the best you can get for the money right now. Cryptopay's tap reader is a good retrofit for existing setups, but why would you go with 2 pieces and no display vs 1 interactive unit that's cheaper.
  4. K

    Why isn’t my self serve working out?

    Exactly, he wouldnt have to update his coin boxes if he slaps a monex on it.
  5. K

    Why isn’t my self serve working out?

    The monex units do count up.
  6. K

    Why isn’t my self serve working out?

    Monex has the integrated tap though... that's why I went monex. I've noticed when doing cashier duty lots of people use cash app, Google pay, Apple pay on their phones now.
  7. K

    Why isn’t my self serve working out?

    You can get them right from KR, it's just a few holes in your coin box front plate and a few wire taps. Install the router antenna somewhere the terminals can hit it by wifi and can get 4g signal and good to go.
  8. K

    Why isn’t my self serve working out?

    Well an alternative would be Monex, 550 per reader x 7 = $3850 usd + 350 for router = $4200 and you install them.
  9. K

    Hydrominder Dual Eductor

    Hey do you know what ratio these dilute to?
  10. K

    It’s time to refurbish!

    Did you fabricate that foam brush unit? I want to build something like that to add a foam gun at some point.
  11. K

    Adding Monex readers

    I'm in the sprawl of Houston, not unlike Dickenson but different side of town.
  12. K

    Adding Monex readers

    Thanks for the input! Maybe I'll settle somewhere between the other washes.
  13. K

    Field repair coupling - HP water

    That's what I needed. I don't even think it got bottomed out. Filing out the inside end will help.
  14. K

    Adding Monex readers

    Current pricing in area: Me: 1.25 for 3.75 min in bay, $1 for 4 on vacs. Competitor A: 1.50 for 3 min in bay (forgot to check wash) - tried the bay and no wax no tire cleaner and watery foam brush BUT good HP soap, a foam gun but no foam just liquid Competitor B: $2.25 for 2.2 min in bay, $2...
  15. K

    Field repair coupling - HP water

    Yeah reusable, haven't been up to look it yet. I do remember not being able to thread the hose all the way and get the pin in far enough to thread, thinking it just wasn't done well enough.
  16. K

    Adding Monex readers

    Yeah that's the little guy with 4 bays off the main road right now. When I saw the price and then the pretty colored fragrant foam brush foam and also how busy it was, I was embarrassed and motivated at once to do better. Sounds like $1.50 for 3 min cash/ $2 for 4 credit should be ok. Max $15...
  17. K

    Field repair coupling - HP water

    I have a leak above 1 bay from the HP line. It was a break a few inches behind the end so rather than replace the whole hose I cut it behind the break and put on a fitting. I probably messed up the install as the leak came back. Before I go back on the roof any tips/best practices for using...
  18. K

    Adding Monex readers

    I need to do the main softener too. I have that down the list as it doesn't affect whether the customers come or how long they stay. Curious what operators are charging around you, here 1 guy is charging $1/min and one is charging .50/min. $1/min felt expensive when I went to try it out but is...
  19. K

    Looking to get into the business

    You aren't in Houston by chance? :)
  20. K

    Adding Monex readers

    I can justify 2 now and move the 2 coleman timers on vac mode currently in bays to the vacs with busted led timers. That fixes 4 things. Doing the other 4 bays makes my life easier, and customers would like it but not sure it would help me recoup the Monex buy any quicker so I'm inclined to wait...