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  1. K

    Adding Monex readers

    Do you think it would look bad having 2 dixmor and 4 coleman timers in the bays?
  2. K

    Looking to get into the business

    Basically yes IBA increase cash flow at the cost of expensive equipment to maintain.
  3. K

    Adding Monex readers

    Ah ok, the KR site suggested you needed the S to replace the coleman timers * I misread, they were talking about the coleman vacs
  4. K

    Chattering issue HP

    That does sounds similar to what my bay was doing that I replaced the rotary on. If going from wax to rinse worked reliably but foam brush to rinse didn't the switch is what it seems to point to.
  5. K

    Looking to get into the business

    Holy crap 2.5m no land
  6. K

    Adding Monex readers

    I looked into the led6s that KR is selling as a drop in replacement. I like them, looks like I'd have many more options and the display is way better and i love the idea of the remote, but 2.5k is a lot to throw in right now. They do just drop in though so hopefully adding CC will boost sales...
  7. K

    Adding Monex readers

    Yes, I think it just wires into power and to the coin pulse line to the timer (don't know which one that is). I want to reprogram everything on site to $1.50 to start, 30s per quarter. I need to get to learning the timers though because I have a couple with burnt out displays and can't program...
  8. K

    Turbo Towel placement

    The turbo towel is just the metal (stainless?) box I think, that should hold up to being outside right? If I roof mounted it would just the pvc pipe down through the roof to hose coupler high near the ceiling, attach pulley to hose so the hose would go down, come near ground, go up to where...
  9. K

    Adding Monex readers

    Solid reasoning, maybe I can squeeze 1 more in the budget. Anyone use coleman timers? Is the documentation online somewhere? Going to have to know what wires to connect with the terminal and adjust pricing on the timers.
  10. K

    Turbo Towel placement

    Hmm more than I'd want to do. Maybe a roof mount for 4 bays. Output to pvc thru roof then to hose that's held up with a retractable line? Or ceiling mount so it isn't in the sun?
  11. K

    Turbo Towel placement

    I suppose I could weld plates to the 4" tubing to mount boom and unit eh?
  12. K

    Adding Monex readers

    Hey, welcome to the next project I'm working on, card acceptance! I don't have the funds to install terminals at all 6 bays and 5 vacuums, so I am starting with 6 terminals. I was thinking doing the front 4 wash bays leaving the rear 2 cash only and doing 2 vacuums with inaccessible cash vaults...
  13. K

    Turbo Towel placement

    That sounds pretty good, this boom would require bigger tube though? Is it acceptable to just install with no boom at all and just have the unit high on the wall and maybe a PVC fitting mounted to the wall?
  14. K

    Turbo Towel placement

    Hey there, planning out my roadmap of additions, dryers are after card machines. I have 2/6 bays next to the equipment room where putting in a turbo towel and boom should be a snap. Where might one install on the bays with only 7.5 ft walls? Do I need to bring down a post thru the roof for it...
  15. K

    Adding Credit Card Readers = Increase in Sales?

    I'm about to start adding credit card readers to my wash. I'm going with the monex readers, they seem to be the best option right now for the ease of installation and tap acceptance. The nearby competition has cryptopay swipe but not tap yet. As far as the fees they don't seem crazy vs other...
  16. K

    Manifold fittings soap/wax/etc

    Thanks for the info! I wish I had seen your post before I messed with the needle valves, almost broke one but figured out what they were. All the 90 deg fittings for each one I didn't want to mess with them if I didn't have to. Pulling the lines off they seemed pretty good buildup wise, nice...
  17. K

    Manifold fittings soap/wax/etc

    I am working on an issue with no wax going to 3 bays. Said bays work fine on presoak, wax, tire cleaner. I had a nasty separated mess in the vat and hydrominder of the wax so I suspect gunk. I've never worked with the fittings that are used for the tubing from solenoid manifold to block at main...
  18. K

    Chattering issue HP

    Yeah, I didn't remove the hoses first and it was so tight I ended up to where I couldn't get in the right position to loosen it and just cut the hose out of frustration. Funny how I was finished and never wanted to do that again and now I'm thinking on swapping it haha. It does work so I should...
  19. K

    Chattering issue HP

    The short ones I have are the ones you use. They were so much shorter I figured they were for something else. I wonder what prev owner was using these high pressure check valves for...
  20. K

    Chattering issue HP

    I also have some of those short check valves I think they are 0 cracking pressure, are those ok to use also?