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  1. P

    Washworld Razor Issues

    We just recently had a new washworld razor installed. We have had issues with the spot free rinse not coming on and now the dryer doesn’t always want to work. We installed a Razor several years ago at another location and still deal with sonar issues. We have replaced them three times. We...
  2. P

    Soft or Hard Water High Pressure Rinse

    We have always used soft water for every application in our automatics. We are installing new equipment today and the distributor suggested that we use hard water for our high pressure rinse cycle, using soft water for the final spot free rinse. Our water here is fairly hard, maybe 28 grains...
  3. P

    Washworld Razor or Razor Edge

    Did you purchase any of the fancy lighting options or the Foam N Flow? I just can't get past thinking why we would need triple color AND Foam N Flow. I just think the F&F is just another gimmick.
  4. P

    Washworld Razor or Razor Edge

    Thinking our PDQ Laser is done, worn out. We already own a Washworld Razor at another lacation. What does everyone think about the new Razor Edge, worth the extra $$$ ?
  5. P

    Laser 4000 stops at the back of vehicle!

    It isn’t actually getting stuck on the tbar. It stops about half way through the rear of the vehicle and turns to start down the other side of the vehicle, strikes the vehicle and the impact switch shuts the wash down.
  6. P

    Laser 4000 stops at the back of vehicle!

    Lately, our Laser 4000 stops at the back of the vehicle as if it were a sizing problem. It always stops at the back of the vehicle. We have replaced the right limit prox switch; that didn’t work. So we replaced the sizing prox switch in the bridge. That didn’t work. We adjusted the prox...
  7. P

    Laser 4000 entrance light problem

    Thank you, that's exactly what it was! I appreciate your help!!!
  8. P

    Laser 4000 entrance light problem

    Entrance light stays on wait as if car is in bay. Help!
  9. P

    Wash card all bays read out of service

    Help! No tech service for wash card at this hour or on the weekend and I have no credit card service at my wash. I have internet so it’s a wash card problem.
  10. P

    High pressure pass problem with Laser 4000

    Never had this problem but today we are experiencing problems with high pressure following the triple color application. The high pressure pump won't kick on. Any suggestions? We have tried everything we can think of. First beautiful day and our was is down
  11. P

    Wash Card Problems

    I feel like this is Wash Cards problem. We have contaced Unitec, which thankfully has good support even on the weekend . . . not the same for Wash Card. Unitec also feels like its Wash Card's problem. We have installed a fan inside the unit but it hasn't made one bit of difference. I am so...
  12. P

    Wash Card Problems

    And how might that be done? It's not like you can cut a hole in the pay station. I just cannot understand why we are the only ones having this problem. This car wash had pay stations, not Unitec, prior to the rehab and accepted credit cards just fine. Another site we have, has a Unitec with...
  13. P

    Wash Card Problems

    We are having problems with our Wash Card system AGAIN. This time, the system goes down during the heat of the day. We purchased two new Unitec pay stations and had the Wash Card system installed before they were delivered. Wash Card assumes the units are getting too hot during the day and we...
  14. P

    Wash Card

    We have those same issues as well, customers constantly complaining it won't take their card. I have it at two locations and have about had enough!
  15. P

    Wash Card

    Yes, I have it plugged into a surge protector. The tech at Washcard determined the mouse fried the internal power supply, so we drove 60 miles and purchased a new one. We installed it and the computer works fine but now it won't connect to washcards site controller. Then he tells us the PCI...
  16. P

    Wash Card

    I have been a Wash Card customer for several years, not a happy Wash Card customer . . . just a customer. I STILL don't like that Wash Card takes a percentage of my credit card sales when I had credit card capability BEFORE I ever had Wash Card. When you have a problem with Wash Card and you...
  17. P

    Car wash fundraiser

    Has anyone ever done a fundraiser using the automatic wash equipment rather than self service bays? I have a local group that consists of only a small number of people, and they would like to hold a fundraiser at our wash. I have a second location that hasn't generated as much sales as I would...
  18. P

    Wash World Speaker Problems

    Anyone else have problems with the speaker on the Wash World Razor? We've had our wash for just over one year and it's gone out twice. :(