Search results

  1. JJJakubowski

    Grant, Dilling, Harris ? Still around ?

    I don't know what's up with Grant-D/H. However and related to that question --- Just a couple weeks before Harry Dilling passed away this Spring, he contacted me/SSCWN to announce his formation of "H.D. Sales" --- a company specializing in supplying the industry with replacement parts for his...
  2. JJJakubowski

    Treating Others How You'd Want to Be Treated?

    Whoo hoo, is this thread perfectly made for the audio clip ("Telemarketer's Nightmare") I want to post here or what?!! Bill, I'll send it to you and, hopefully, you can attach it via link or whatever. Again, this thread makes listening to it almost "mandatory". Enjoy ... cringe ... repeat...
  3. JJJakubowski


    Viva There’s an old saying — one of the keys to success is to "always leave ‘em wanting more.” And for so many of you for sooooo long to continue to "want more" of the SSCWN is appreciated beyond my ability to express. That said ... This Spring, my wife and I came to a watershed realization...
  4. JJJakubowski

    Hopes and prayers for those in the Southeast

    For the last couple days, our thoughts and prayers have been devoted to the victims of the horrific storms in the Southeast ... with special concerns, of course, about our "extended family" of carwasher brothers and sisters. Some (who many of Forum regulars know) live and work in those cities...
  5. JJJakubowski


    Yup, "alive 'n kickin' " ... mostly "kickin' ". Shoot me an email and I'll get what you need to subscribe to the SSCWN right back atcha: Thanks for your interest ... pardon me playing hard to get. JJJ/SSCWN
  6. JJJakubowski

    Locking down pit grates

    Ain't that just grate Hello, Keith: Could you please send me the photos that you attempted to post on the Forum? My email address is: Within the last couple of months, I've been getting a LOT of reports of grate thefts from around the country. It's like an...
  7. JJJakubowski

    A Gimmick or an Income Producing Machine?

    "Oh what fun it is to ride" ... thru a light show I've done a couple (to quote Miley Cyrus) pretty cool articles on this pretty cool subject. Did you catch 'em? If not, I can send you PDF's. They look like one of those classic marketing "for fun and profit" gambits ... with one leading to...
  8. JJJakubowski

    Drive-Thru Dryers in our self service bays

    "All that is old ..." This kinda sorta in the same vein, Tom --- I found this SS coin-op blow dryer in Nashville about 15 years ago. (Bill will post the photo soon. I wish we could simply attach photos directly, as we could once upon a time.) Anyway, it had a dedicated, stand alone coin...
  9. JJJakubowski

    It's official, we're screwed

    It be the plan, man On TV this morning I just happened to hear of a relevant quote. Steven Chu, Obama’s Secretary at the Department of Energy, said in an interview that gas taxes should be increased in order to force people to turn to alternative energy sources. The price of "petrol" in...
  10. JJJakubowski

    Air Rifle--WOW

    Learn something new everyday I am also totally blown away by this "news"! I'm glad to know that I'm not alone in my surprise to hear about the amazing "waaaay back" history of air guns. The idea that a couple centuries ago they could build, contain and direct that sustained level of PSI...
  11. JJJakubowski

    $5 Per Gallon Gas

    Hip, Hip, Hooray! Hey, $5 (and higher) gas will be great! That's exactly what this country needs. How do I know? The Obama tells me so. Surely, this gawdawful hot winter has convinced you that “global warming” will kill us all! So be thankful that O and his Lib cohorts in Congress...
  12. JJJakubowski

    Vac Blows Up article/info?

    Hey, Bill: The attachment did not attach! What's the trick for getting a pic with decent rez to post? JJJ/SSCWN
  13. JJJakubowski

    Vac Blows Up article/info?

    Deja Vu all over again Yup --- every few years yet another version of this story pops up ... or should I say, "explodes". Attached is one I found from 2001. As scary as it is funny. JJJ/SSCWN
  14. JJJakubowski

    Water and sewer rates ss bays

    Outta the blue formula! Hey, Scott: Can you track down exactly where and when that goofball formula was published?!! Thanks. JJJ/SSCWN
  15. JJJakubowski

    Lock 'n Load

    Attention all gunslingers, plinkers, marksmen, and advocates of the 2nd Amendment: Season 2 of "Top Shot" (on the History Channel) has just begun! JJJ/SSCWN
  16. JJJakubowski

    Urgent! Need Help with County

    Addendum I should have specified (rather than just implied) something in my previous post: Bubbles Galore is located in Davison, Michigan (in Genessee County). And, BTW, John and his sharp BG wash can be found gracing a page in the Fall/Winter issue of the SSCWN. JJJ/SSCWN
  17. JJJakubowski

    Urgent! Need Help with County

    Surprise, surprise --- no real surprise Earl, I am surprised. You violated rule #1 for lawyers: "If you do not know the answer --- do not ask a question!" Anyway, the answer to your question: Yes, hell, yes! Davison is in Genesee County. Flint ("AFL/CIO union central") is the county seat...
  18. JJJakubowski

    Anyone traveled to Panama lately?

    Like Dorothy said ... "There's no place like home ... there's no place like home!"
  19. JJJakubowski

    Dog Bite, Insurance, and Lawyers ... oh my.

    We'd appreciate some informed advice. My wife, Colleen, was bitten (right forearm/elbow) by a bloodhound in December of 2009. The attack was totally unprovoked. The damn dog was HUGE --- as big as smallish bear ... at least 150 pounds. Fortunately, she was wearing a heavy coat and very thick...
  20. JJJakubowski

    American Hunters

    Oh Henry Great post. Very interesting, enlightening perspective via a vis the 2nd Amendment. Beyond that, Ted, You have a legendary Henry Repeating Rifle?!! --- the badass .44 cal rifle the Johnny Rebs in our Civil War called the "16-shooter that the Yankees would load on Sunday and shoot...