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  1. JJJakubowski

    Do I dare ask what MUST be asked about "bordering on INSANITY"?!!

    This question is directed primarily to our dearly beloved Dem carwashers in TEXAS. But it is something we all must consider. And that is: Do you grasp the dire consequences of President Harris’ facilitating the invasion of millions of undocumented Democrats flooding across the Texas...
  2. JJJakubowski

    Need recommendations for a LOUD white noise machine.

    Where oh where have you been, MEP? Don’t you realize how your allusion to light wave physics/science reveals your intractable racist guilt?!! For God’s sake Marx sake — haven’t you heard the BLM Woke Wisdom that has declared stuff like STEM (especially Math) a facet and function of White...
  3. JJJakubowski

    Need recommendations for a LOUD white noise machine.

    This is a VERY disturbing post!!! How could ANYBODY be lulled to sleep by “WHITE Noise”?!! And why would ANY woke (pardon the pun) person support any business selling devices that normalize the hateful message so explicit in its name and function?!! And the blasé complicity of those...
  4. JJJakubowski

    Rush is gone

    This reply and personal testimony is in the "better late than never" column ... waaaayyyy late. Rush was responsible for my "conversion" from Lib/Dem to Independent Conservative. I was a charter listener in 1988 when Rush was not so much a POLITICAL commentator as he was a bombastic...
  5. JJJakubowski

    A sad loss ... and how Life goes on

    I should add that there will be a memorial service for Tom this Saturday morning (12/3/16) at the Simkins Funeral Home in Morton Grove, Illinois. Anyone wishing to express condolences can do so at
  6. JJJakubowski

    bragworthy kids

    Two words, Paul. Count 'em, just 2: "SHARK TANK"! That program is the "proof of concept" when it comes to the American Dream, Free Enterprise, and the entrepreneurial spirit that helped make this country the greatest, strongest, most prosperous and most generous country ... EVER! Kickstarter...
  7. JJJakubowski

    A sad loss ... and how Life goes on

    It is with the most profound sadness that I share this information: Tom Coutre, my very good buddy and great friend of the self serve carwash community, died on Monday, 11/21/16. The only sliver of light is knowing that he is now reunited with the great love of his life Kim who passed 2 years...
  8. JJJakubowski

    Just where are the freaking peaceful muslims?

    (Continued) There are about 100 more such "peaceful" Islamic verses, but I won't bore you with that disturbingly long list … or challenge your Muslim kin. If you did, you’d have to take their answers with a lump of salt. Because (if they are not “heretics” and they do believe what their...
  9. JJJakubowski

    Just where are the freaking peaceful muslims?

    ... and on ... I may have made an error when I assumed that my inter faith/personal experience was more exhaustive than CarWash Guy's. Just for the record: • My early Major was World Comparative Religions. • I've had friendly relationships with several Muslim individuals (2 of whom...
  10. JJJakubowski

    Just where are the freaking peaceful muslims?

    (Continued) The PEW Research Center is a non-partisan polling organization that is well respected … even within Lib/Left journalism. Choose if you will to be "blind" to the very disturbing results of the numerous PEW polls. After all, PEW is a "Western infidel" organization. Okay, so how...
  11. JJJakubowski

    Just where are the freaking peaceful muslims?

    The beat goes on "Would like to see the source for that comment." " ... but how about the 'eye for an eye' stance?" "...such broad statements as above stirs up some hate and fear which cannot be supported by any real evidence" ======= I'm baaaaack … after a visit to my daughter's young...
  12. JJJakubowski

    Just where are the freaking peaceful muslims?

    Deja vu, ya'll Yikes, it's "déjà vu all over again"! Years ago we had much the same exchange on this Forum. Namely, those on the Left (following Obama's lead) were equating Christianity's bad ol' days to Islam nowadays. As a life long student of History and Religion, I'm compelled to...
  13. JJJakubowski

    Just where are the freaking peaceful muslims?

    An inconvenient Truth about "Most Muslims" Hmmm, not exactly, MEP. Actually, not at all!... There have been a slew (pardon the apropos pun) of polls (domestic and foreign) that consistently reveal Islamic Fundamentalism (aka, "radical Islam") to be a violent worldwide plague of, uh, Biblical...
  14. JJJakubowski

    One of SS's Greatest Generation has passed

    Frank Piersall, one of self serve carwashing's Greatest Generation passed away last week. History should duly note that Frank was at the tip of our industry's pioneering spear. Jack Thompson may be most often credited with opening the very first coin-op SS in Ardmore, Oklahoma back in 1964...
  15. JJJakubowski

    I found Joe!

    I now have Joe Campbell's contact info. We'll have a reunion soon ... At which I'll be revealing to him that his "baby" (SSCWN) will go on ... and on! Joe (age 87) will be thrilled that his legacy will keep on truckin'. Make that a BIG DITTO from me! JJJ
  16. JJJakubowski

    Any advice on migraines in adolescents?

    THANK YOU all for the timely and helpful input! Louise, we are in West Michigan (Grand Rapids). Pat, your info really, REALLY got everyone's attention here. Our friend's daughter is virtually IDENTICAL to your daughter's age/height/weight! Her parents are not putting all their eggs in that...
  17. JJJakubowski

    Any advice on migraines in adolescents?

    Does anyone have some experience and tips regarding the successful treatment of very severe migraine headaches in adolescents? We have a friend whose 14 year old daughter is enduring really horrendous migraines. The episodes are becoming more frequent and ever more terribly debilitating ---...
  18. JJJakubowski

    Hypocritical or not?

    I can understand why "foreigners" do not --- cannot --- understand why many Americans have so much special pride in our country and reverence for the Flag which symbolizes it. Contrary to our own current President's opinion: America is exceptional! Our Constitution is extraordinary ---...
  19. JJJakubowski


    I wanted our country's Day of Solemn Remembrance (and some Righteous Anger) to pass before making this "political" observation and comment. And that is: Yesterday the ONLY folks in my neighborhood who flew the Flag were those who I know are Conservative and/or have had lawn signs up during...
  20. JJJakubowski

    How To Make a Temporary High Pressure Hose Patch in Ten Minutes for $2

    Instead of pealing a tin can, how about self-fusing silicone tape (such as "Rescue Tape) ... plus the 3 hose clamps? I did that on gash in a LP hose (underground sprinkler run). It worked great. Yes, in my case it was only about 65 PSI, but such tapes are rated to (supposedly) withstand...