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  1. JJJakubowski

    Super Super Glue

    Keep it together for Christmas Okay, okay, I'm in for one to start --- motivated by a not so "industrial" application: My beloved wife has hauled a ton of Christmas decoration stuff out of the attic. And too much of it (Snow Baby figurines, statues, ornaments, doo dads, and what nots --- all...
  2. JJJakubowski

    Sharia Law info, just in case you had some doubts

    Seattle, you have not said "radical freaking Muslims do not exist". BUT ... You have been insisting that the rampant, worldwide violence and barbarism of Muslims represents only an insignificant and errant "fringe". So, yes, you have been tacitly "saying" Islam is a "religion of peace" and...
  3. JJJakubowski

    Happy Thanksgiving

    Thanksgiving & Socialism Yes, we have much to be thankful for --- so much that is so precious and must be vigorously defended & preserved. I certainly thank those who have learned the lessons of history and share the truth. For example, these Texans (at who have a...
  4. JJJakubowski

    Sharia Law info, just in case you had some doubts

    An analogy to understand the "peaceful" Muslims It is important to understand and be prepared for the cultural and religious war that has been declared (and is being waged) on us. We ain't seen nuthin' yet. Oh, but we will ... we will. The uninformed and naive Liberals want to believe that...
  5. JJJakubowski

    Sharia Law info, just in case you had some doubts

    It bears repeating I'm repeating this post (from a painfully familiar, similar thread), because, for some, it obviously needs repeating: Here's a lecture given by a respected Kuwaiti professor. He seems like such an amiable, gentle, scholarly, and good humored guy ... until you read the...
  6. JJJakubowski

    Staying alive, staying alive

    This looks like "life or death" information very well worth remembering and sharing: JJJ/SSCWN
  7. JJJakubowski

    Radio Flyer

    Thanks a lot, Ted! I just got back from the barn where I was pulling out old "junk" and loading it up on the trailer. I was then going to make a donation run to the Salvation Army this afternoon. Then I saw this video. What a hoot! Anyway, amongst all that stuff I was trying to cut loose...
  8. JJJakubowski

    Car Wash Advertising

    Chiefs: Your testimonial for the effectiveness of cable TV advertising piqued interest. Again, could you please share any tips as how to navigate the "wide open spaces" of cable and how to best target (cost effectively) your ad spot exposures? Do you pick specific programs, channels, and time...
  9. JJJakubowski

    Car Wash Advertising

    Chiefs: I've heard other operators say that cable TV has been a good advertising vehicle for them. The thing is, cable is sooooo wide open --- soooo many, many different channels, programs, and time slots. How much control have you had in cherry picking just where and when your spots run...
  10. JJJakubowski

    Up for some DIY "Editorializin'"?

    I'm the first to admit that the SSCWN is riddled with idiosyncrasies ... not to mention some riddles. One quirk that begs the question is --- why the hell do I write an editorial for the "Editor's Corner" ?!! I mean, for cripes sake, every issue is already ladened (for better or worse) with...
  11. JJJakubowski

    Are we naive or what?

    This is a disturbing, enlightening sidebar to this thread. Here's a lecture given by a respected Kuwaiti professor. He seems like such an amiable, gentle, scholarly, and good humored guy ... until you read the translation of his little pep talk...
  12. JJJakubowski

    Are we naive or what?

    Man oh man, I really, REALLY did not want to step into a religious discussion. I'm not gonna say, "the devil made me do it" ... but I'm tempted. The thing is, after checking out that video ("Myth of Religion", which Leo found to be sooo illuminating and recommended), well, dammit, I was...
  13. JJJakubowski

    Gun(s) At Your Car Wash

    Speaking of Constitutional Rights (specifically the Second & Fourth Amendments), check this out. The "good news" --- at least the cops demonstrated they had the capacity for a speedy PRT (Police Response Time). BTW, History Channel's "Top Shot" and "Extreme Marksmen" rock! Love the extreme...
  14. JJJakubowski

    RIP Mike Mckernan

    "Holy smoke" ... in every sense. Ironically, I discovered this thread minutes before my wife, Colleen, and I were about to have a BBQ dinner "with Mike". Let me explain --- Beyond Mike's "just" being an extraordinarily good man, he was a master BBQ chef, who helped take my "Q" to a whole...
  15. JJJakubowski

    Political Readerboard Message

    Good Gawd --- what the hell has happened to this country?!! That question is rhetorical. I KNOW what has been happening to America. And it is as detestable as it is tragic. To that point and back to my "question" about the Baron's question: I have childhood memories that go back to the...
  16. JJJakubowski

    Car Care World Expo, Las Vegas-May 12-14, Update

    The mo' the better I'm having a hard time grasping the computation of these "equations": The World Car Care Expo venue was 2 years in Vegas, then the 3rd year went to some other good convention city somewhere else around the country. However, Expo has now been committed "forever" to Vegas...
  17. JJJakubowski


    Thanks for the correction on that website address, MJ! BTW and speaking of corrections — You’ll note at the top of the home page of that website there’s a panoramic photo of last year’s Tax Day rally in Grand Rapids. The local media reported that only “several hundred” people showed up...
  18. JJJakubowski


    Hey, my "ROAR!" graphic attachment (JPG) refuses to attach ... even tho' a very small file size. Whad up wid dat?!! JJJ/SSCWN
  19. JJJakubowski


    Yes, 2009 was definitely the year from hell ... for a lot of folks. Such is life. Time for me to stop the whining and get back to it. Soooo, after a dreary hiatus, the Spring 2010 issue is — actually, really, finally — going to the printer on March 17. Happy St. Patrick’s Day, ya’ll! The...
  20. JJJakubowski

    Pictures from my SE Asia trip

    Hey, Bill: It was today ... Christmas Day ... 42 years ago when I arrived in Vietnam. If you by any chance, go thru a village called Trang Bang, I'd appreciate your taking some pix of the soccer field and the stucco wall to one side of it (if they're still there). That village (and that wall...