Search results

  1. JJJakubowski

    Stop this Cap & Tax madness ... NOW!

    Hiya, John: I'm not sure what you mean by a request for "P(rivate) M(essaging) some info". Are you looking for specifics as to what the "C & T" legislation entails? The myths about man made Global Warming that are driving C & T? ... Or? Actually, all it would take for Americans to set the...
  2. JJJakubowski

    Stop this Cap & Tax madness ... NOW!

    The Obama administration is doing a "wonderful" job of running the biggest, most dangerous shell game in our country's history. There are soooo many different spending programs and Big Government initiatives flooding outta O's Oval Office and Congress all at the same time. It's been VERY...
  3. JJJakubowski

    Vac Decals Thanks JJ / SSCWN

    Oooops, my bad! When I got this "Reply" notice from the Forum in my emailbox, I thought it was an inquiry/request for the article on controlling nuisance birds that was offered on the "Sparrows" thread. Regardless, my email address is the same. JJJ/SSCWN
  4. JJJakubowski

    Vac Decals Thanks JJ / SSCWN

    Just email me at: and I'll shoot the article back atcha. It is a fun little read, but it does present some good, practical info and resources for effective bird control. JJJ/SSCWN
  5. JJJakubowski

    How do you get rid of Sparrows?

    Hmmm ... it appears that those attachments did not attach. I'll try again. JJJ
  6. JJJakubowski

    How do you get rid of Sparrows?

    pigeon blastin' fun The "rats with wings" and "a shotgun would be the most fun" comments reminded me of a recent little article I did on dealing with bird pests ... pigeons mostly. Here are a couple of my photo-illustrations from that rather amusing but informative piece. Those...
  7. JJJakubowski

    Vac Decals Thanks JJ / SSCWN

    "Ran it up a flag pole to see who'd salute" Holy Moly, this Uncle Sam poster with an eco-message has REEEALLLLLY taken off and developed a life of its own! I've not only had SS operators/SSCWN subscribers from all around the country displaying Sam at changers, on vacs, and in bays, but I've...
  8. JJJakubowski

    The recession in Layman's terms

    Ya ain't seen nuthin' yet One "little" piece of the analogy is missing: The hand of Government on the front most end of the dealio. That is, Heidi and the bank had been first lured by promises that these loans are all "good" and backed by the "full faith & credit" of Government (in this...
  9. JJJakubowski

    Controversial Vending Items!!!

    Is it safe ... in more than one way? I've had Aussie SS operators tell me that vending condoms is an SOP thru out Australia and that condoms are among their most popular vended items. In this country, about 10 years ago, a SS operator out west sent me a copy of the mini flyer that he had...
  10. JJJakubowski

    How can this happen in America?

    Normalize this! Oh yeah, Robert, you're correct --- the American auto industry needs to "streamline", become more efficient, and build cars people want to buy. But it's terribly disappointing when a bright guy such as yourself asserts that BIG GOVERNMENT and LABOR UNION control are what is...
  11. JJJakubowski

    How can this happen in America?

    Second thoughts? The 2008 election Obama boosters among us have been pretty quiet. I HAVE to believe that the pro-O (albeit small) contingent on this Forum MUST be having second thoughts as we careen deeper into '09. In a headlong rush, O has ushered in: Staggering increases in spending and...
  12. JJJakubowski

    Sham Wow

    I interviewed a towel supplier/manufacturer at the ICA Expo, and I asked him what he thought about the ShamWow as a SS vend item. He said that type of product COULD be great. BUT (in his opinion), for something like the ShamWow to be really successful, it needed some "development" ... which he...
  13. JJJakubowski

    See you at the Tea Party!

    It's almost funny --- Yesterday, the day after the Party, our local newspaper reported on the event, and in one part of the article said that only 1,000 people showed up ... as had some TV reports. But then elsewhere in the article, it admitted 4,000 were there! But what was especially...
  14. JJJakubowski

    See you at the Tea Party!

    Here's one of the photos I took of the event here in Grand Rapids. It was fairly early on in the event and many more continued to pour in as it progressed. Hmmmm ... Local media, however, reported that only 1,000 people attended. I think my pic of a growing number of Partiers puts the lie to...
  15. JJJakubowski

    See you at the Tea Party!

    While confiscatory taxes are abhorrent, what so many of us "Tea Partiers" are so terribly outraged by is the ongoing disregard of the Constitution, the erosion of traditional values and rejection of principles that made America great as we are being pushed headlong down a greasy chute into...
  16. JJJakubowski

    See you at the Tea Party!

    Yup, Skipper, I guess I was doing a bit of comparing apples to oranges ... to grapes. I believe the bottom tier rate in the 50's was actually something like 15%. That 5% figure came from my Dad, who had told me that was what he (and the "average working man" with a bunch of dependent baby...
  17. JJJakubowski

    See you at the Tea Party!

    I'm going to be attending the Tea Party here in Grand Rapids, Michigan ... surprise, surprise. I've made a sign with a message on both sides: one side has the "Don't Tread On Me" flag popularized in our first Revolution. And the other side says, "Taxation With BAD Representation, Is Tyranny!"...
  18. JJJakubowski

    Vacuum Dueller

    Here is the original Dualer with its inventor, Gary Baright. He's a very innovative operator who first developed these jazzy units for his Foam & Wash locations in upstate New York. I believe Gary first put 'em online about 7 years ago. JJJ/SSCWN ----------------------- The Poster Formerly Known
  19. JJJakubowski

    salt free water conditioners

    Hiya, Ric: 20 grains hardness ... ouch! That's not city water, is it? You are on a well, right? Too bad our aquafir doesn't run 30 miles further south to your location. We're pulling GREAT water from our well up here ... and would never hook up to the pipeline spewing that chemical...
  20. JJJakubowski

    Weirdest robbery we've ever dealt with

    Floored I know some operators who, back in the day, had their safes set in the concrete when they had their floors poured ... and some who have cut out a chunk of an existing floor and re-poured to accommodate a retro-fit floor safe. A floor safe is as low profile as they get --- virtually...