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  1. JJJakubowski

    Bored? Try having sex with your vacuum!

    No video ... but look for a very, VERY funny photo/illustration that I cooked up of that guy "Romancing The Vac" in the Spring SSCWN --- hitting the mail next week. JJJ/SSCWN
  2. JJJakubowski

    Unfortunate changes to the ICA expo

    Okay, for you Early Bird mavens, here's what happnin' at this year's Expo. Claire from the ICA tells me that: "We are not having Early Bird sessions in their traditional format this year, but rather have scheduled two self-serve 'chat sessions' on the trade show floor in one of our meeting...
  3. JJJakubowski

    Unfortunate changes to the ICA expo

    There is an Early Bird this year?!! Geez, I'm embarrassed to admit that I thought that there would be no Early Bird at this Expo, ... cuz I did not see it listed among the "Educational Sessions". How the heck did I miss that? Exactly where is that posted on the ICA site? What day, what...
  4. JJJakubowski

    Books, Publishers, Book Reviews

    Oh, one more thing --- As far as "book books" go, I would have to assume that Robert Roman is "THE" preeminent author of carwash specific tomes in terms of "words in print" and pages/books sold. If not, he probably should be. JJJ/SSCWN
  5. JJJakubowski

    Books, Publishers, Book Reviews

    One thing you can say about PC --- he does getcha to thinking ... well, okay, as much fuming as thinking. Anyway, PC's declaration that he was "THE (carwash industry's) most published author based on words in print" got me to thinking ... and calculating ... but not at all fuming. And I've...
  6. JJJakubowski

    Ms. Smith's Hernia revisited...

    Cebo: We all know (well almost all) that PC never needed to "let you win one" --- in the arena of common sense cordoned with facts --- your wins are self evident ... of course. As for journalists and other very hi-profile guys in media who are self proclaimed Libertarians --- Stossell is...
  7. JJJakubowski

    Forum Party

    Hmmm, okay, that would Thursday ... and isn't that "all you can eat ribs night" at Tony Romas? Then again EVERY night is all all you can eat ribs for me. Regardless, it looks like we're both going to be able to make it to this Expo. So save a couple seats for me 'n Colleen too at the...
  8. JJJakubowski

    Obama bumper stickers

    Hey, Mac: Here's something you (and about 46% of voting Americans ... and 70% who pay taxes) might appreciate: During the last election fracas, I whipped up some pro Palin & what's his name bumper stickers. I also made some "pro Obama" bumper stickers with which I pranked some of my family...
  9. JJJakubowski

    How do brushes grab ... and even kill?!!

    Now that I think about it, that reminds me of a story I was told by a operator who got into self serve after having tunnel operations. After too many labor hassles, he was nudged outta tunnels after a cloth/brush "grabbed" a heavy duty concrete tamper from the back of a pickup and proceeded to...
  10. JJJakubowski

    How do brushes grab ... and even kill?!!

    In 2007 a young man attending a GooGoo exterior express in Michigan was killed when he was entangled in a whirling brush. And very recently, a young female attendant at a Golden Nozzle EE in Massachusetts was pulled into and almost strangled when her scarf was caught up in a brush. Pardon my...
  11. JJJakubowski


    "No intellectual properties"! I ain't got "NO 'INTELLECTUAL PROPERTIES'"?!! Hey, me not so dumb. Proof: I'm thinking about optioning the publishing rights to an autobiographical book by a world renown celeb. Working title ? "My Wit & Wisdom" by Paris Hilton. Ms. Hilton's self...
  12. JJJakubowski


    Sure, Dave ... as long as it's not used for resell/commercial purposes. Obviously, it is a really ruff, slap dash cartoon. But even if it were "cleaned up" for public display, I've got some doubt as to how appropriate it might be for public consumption. I cannot remember the exact...
  13. JJJakubowski


    Oh yeah, the whole exploding vac (via gas sucking) is a "classic" customer FUBAR ... as witnessed by this little cartoon I did some 20 years ago that was inspired by a similar event. And it seems, every couple years or so, there's yet another deja vu all over again incident that provides a...
  14. JJJakubowski

    Being on-site

    Here's one of my favorite SS carwash attendant stories: The late great Paul Walker told me how he had a successful, high volume 10 bay. He attributed a lot of the wash's success to his having hired a very energetic, hard working, personable attendant. He kept the wash clean, working, and...
  15. JJJakubowski

    Weather Forecaster An Idiot!

    As Bob Dylan (and America's favorite domestic terrorist, Bill Ayers) said, "You don't need to be a weatherman to know which way the wind blows." But folks do follow the leads the media provide. And here's a link to a TV weatherguy who seems to have it right...
  16. JJJakubowski

    Utilites are killing us

    "WashTubMan's" question is the one that I gotta ask too --- whaaazzup with those utility costs?!! For a wash in Texas during the Fall months, they can't be all laid on the IBA ... or can they?!! Of course if considering a new IBA --- going with one of the new foam/friction IBAs would cut...
  17. JJJakubowski

    Weather Forecaster An Idiot!

    Actually, the very best phrase to use instead of "party cloudy" would be "MOSTLY SUNNY!" That phrase is not only a benefit to carwashers, it is more accurately descriptive and much better understood by the public. There have been operators who have petitioned their local media meteorologists...
  18. JJJakubowski

    Take a seat in a jet airliner cockpit

    Oh man, I just noticed that Ken S. posted the same link a year ago! Sorry to nibble away some bandwidth. But then again, considering the event of last week, perhaps it's "new again". (BTW --- this link was sent to me today by my esteemed 86 year old mentor, Joe Campbell, who founded the SSCWN...
  19. JJJakubowski

    Take a seat in a jet airliner cockpit

    Given the fact that there are a number of aircraft pilots on this Forum ... and considering the recent miraculous soft/crash landing on the Hudson River ... and, not to mention, it's just flat out impressive --- Here's a link to a impressive 306 degree tour of a modern jet airliner cockpit ...
  20. JJJakubowski

    Car Washes in Middle Tennessee in Crisis

    WarDaddy: Are you guys in Tennessee actually keeping many SS bays open when the temp's are well below freezing?!! Floor heat is rare down your way. But I do remember seeing (about 10 years ago) a few SS wand wash bays in Nashville with natural gas, overhead radiant heaters. Are many SS...