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  1. K

    Is anyone there at Dilling & Harris?

    I'm reminded of the joke: Sales manager sez: Joe, XYZ company called and complained about the bad service he was getting! Response: What's he talking about, I've never even called on him!
  2. K

    Yes I closed... details

    Doug, I am really saddened to hear of your closing, especially because you are such a fighter and have that entrepreneurial spirit that makes the country go. In my 44 years I've been through a few downturns and been able to battle through them, but this one is a bhitch. We are now down to 5...
  3. K

    Slugbuster II

    Over the years we have shifted all of our vacs and bays to slugbuster-III's. We had MA-800's and found some in the bays would pulse the timer and reject the token (or coin) back to the customer. We also used the multitron (beta tested them when they first came out) with a few problems but then...
  4. K

    HAmilton HGP Hopper parts

    washregal I've got a pallet full of those hoppers and spare parts to boot. I'm not quite sure what you're asking for though.
  5. K

    Cameras in Change Machines...

    I bought them from Super circuits and the one we use is the $109.00 camera or similar. And people don't see them because the hole is so small they think it's a bolt hole. Ours are drilled about where "Hamilton" is written above the transport. Remember I drill the 19/32nd hole AFTER I have...
  6. K

    Cameras in Change Machines...

    Just the size of the hole is what holds the cameras in the changers. They are the "mini pinhole cameras". Resolution is good enough to pick out an individual in a line-up within the bay area as long as they are in view of the camera. The camera will give you a visual in front of the coin box...
  7. K

    Cameras in Change Machines...

    They are pinhole cameras. The 19/32 drill bit was the proper size so that you could push it in firmly. In the coin boxes we used the little mounting frame that comes with it and used 2-way tape to hold it in position. We only drilled a 3/16 hole for that camera because I didn't want that size...
  8. K

    Cameras in Change Machines...

    We also have the mini's in 1 4-bay location. The bays next to the machinery room have them in the coin meter box and the outer bays we ran conduit out and put the mini's in them. They are limited to their peripheral view and are only pointed at the meter box.
  9. K

    Cameras in Change Machines...

    We have Hamilton changers and all of them have video cameras (miniatures). We drilled a hole in the steel (18/32 drill bit) in the metal which will hold the camera. Before drilling we removed the plastic, made sure the camera fit snug. Mounted the plastic back on and then drilled a 1/8" hole...
  10. K

    GinSan / Industrial Vacuum

    Chad you might look at Dixmor's LED-9. It has a dual time read-out and is bright. I don't know what the dimensions are but it's probably workable and worth checking out. They do have a web-site.
  11. K

    Uh Oh, Barry Boyd, he's baaack

    WOW! "negative comments about EVERYTHING" and "regurgitated ignorance."!! Ryko do you spend any time thinking before you type or do you just type without thinking?
  12. K

    How to loosen up Packed Pits....?

    I have a Ring-0-Matic pumper also. We hook a long high pressure hose to one of our bays with a straight shot. When it's needed we use the straight shot at the end of a 5' wand to saw or break down the mud that's packed. This way we don't get too much water compared to a hose and breaking it...
  13. K

    "Your brush scratched my car!"

    MEP You have to decide how far you want to go with this. With what you have already said she is way off base! I personally would bottom line her and say you are through talking. If she wants to take you to small claims court you'll be there with the video, photos of your signs and the fact...
  14. K

    How long have you been in the car wash business?

    I've been in it for 43 years starting in 1965. Managed full serve for 3 years. Bought defunct full serve in '68, bought SS w/"follow Charlie" exterior drive thru with gasoline sales in '70. Sold full serve in '78. In the next 10 years, built 7-bay SS and bought 6 other locations. In '81...
  15. K

    Thinking of lower start-up price for summer only.

    I bought my first self serve in 1970. It was 25 cents for 5 minutes and 10 cents for the vacuum. I owned and operated a full service wash and the SS came up for sale by a friend of mine. I bought it. Over the years I bought more until I had 8 locations. During one period of time I don't...
  16. K

    compressor pump rebuild

    Jimmy, I would not buy a "rebuilt" compressor pump. If you can replace what you have with "new" even if you have to redrill mounting holes. The air compressor is more important than having a bay pump down because all your air operated equipment is down which your customers won't accept. (Of...
  17. K

    How to handle multiple vehicle damage claim..

    John, Where are you located in California? I was called about 2 weeks ago about the same thing happening in the Modesto area, Riverbank and Escalon.
  18. K

    "Your brush scratched my car!"

    MEP I was taken to small claims court a number of years ago regarding the same thing. "Brush scratched his black pickup"! The Judge asked me if I had instruction signage that said "check brush before using" or words that that affect and I said "Yes"! I happened to be working late that evening...
  19. K

    Can you hear me now?

    You know that's a great idea unless your burglar alarm is set up to send an alarm through a cell phone.
  20. K

    You lost how much money?

    We keep a record of all refunds. Name address & phone number that they have given us. If there is any duplication then we double check the problem. Fortunately the past couple of years it is almost nill. We had a $5.00 call last week where the changer took her 5 bucks and didn't give her...