Search results

  1. M

    Quarter Thieves

    Quarters are a necessary evil. I tried to stop taking them and it was disastrous. Our changers only give Gold US Dollar Coins. Bays accept both, but mostly dollars used. We also use the Coinless Mobile App to achieve CC acceptance.That has gone over really well.
  2. M

    $15 minimum wage?!!

    And people will still buy them.
  3. M

    Q-See cameras out of business

    How old is your system? I also have Alibi and find it tedious to perform searches on. Considering updating.
  4. M

    Unlimited Pass - Why are they offered?

    We're into it now three years. It has increased traffic, car count and the bottom line. A lot of my customers would be subscribed elsewhere had we not made the choice to go this route. No regrets, but I do get perturbed by jacked up pickups with aggressive tires that lay mud everywhere, come...
  5. M

    Prep Gun Advice

    The Hypro Trigger Gun is promoted in a popular supplier catalog as "less operator fatigue". Unfortunately, none of the myriad gun options lists weights and my only experience has been with US Paraplate and the house brand. The former are durable but heavy, the latter don't seem to last. Anyone...
  6. M

    Two doors

    Thanks for your insights. I'm already loving not having icicles hanging off the equipment. Instruction signage has been ordered - time will tell how that works out. I had my first drive-through in 30 yrs. last Feb. Customer was able to get back in and hit gas peddle instead of brake. Foot came...
  7. M

    Two doors

    Just completed installing an entrance door for the IBA. Anything I should be aware of with regard to unintended/unforeseen consequences? Thanks. MC
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    Unlimited Pass - Why are they offered?

    Yesterday's WSJ - Netflix hits 200 million subscribers.
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    Unlimited Pass - Why are they offered?

    I think the gym membership analogy is bogus. It compares active and passive activities which skews the value proposition. Exercising takes motivation and EFFORT. At the right price point it becomes inconsequential whether it actually gets used often or not at all. Excuses abound. Visiting a...
  10. M

    Trying to get away from HF presoak on Touch free IBA

    I have always favored CSI Performix, with JBS Storm Hyper a close second. Both high pH.
  11. M

    Floor heat alternatives

    Multiple leaks in radiant tubing may prevent adequate floor heating this winter. Looking for successful alternatives. Will be adding an entrance door to seal up the iba, but it will still need a heat source. I have a feeling it’s going to be a challenging season. Thanks in advance. MC
  12. M

    MiFi Internet

    Following advice from a previous thread, I'm currently using a ZTE hot spot with service provided by Consumer Cellular. After finding the right location (attic) it has worked well until it didn't about 2 weeks ago. Seems that the T-Mobile/AT&T merger created a hiccup but tech support was...
  13. M

    2021 Change

    We have used dollar coins in our change machines for 20 yrs. I tried to eliminate quarter acceptance last year with terrible results. Some acceptors couldn't be de-programmed and those that were would jam with quarters. Signage was posted stating quarters no longer accepted and that has helped...
  14. M

    Another bad coin acceptor?!

    Dan, Dan, I was under the impression that repairs were no longer an option for Sensotron or is it just the Multitron?? The Multitron was a reliable work horse but the new World edition has been nothing but trouble. I have one that's dead after less than two years. I will send it in along with...
  15. M

    Vacuum Issues

    I have two vacs that are driving me to drink - but what isn't these days?? Yesterday, a new Magikist acceptor was installed and everything was fine through the coin/time validation process. Later in the day I get a call informing me that it was accepting quarters and not giving time (vac did...
  16. M

    Floor Marker Reflectors and Wall Coatings.

    Have you considered alternatives? We just replaced 30 year old FRP panels covering cinderblocks. It was a relatively easy prep and installation and should require less maintenance than an epoxy coating going forward. MC
  17. M

    Mama always said...

    Wow. Now I understand why I'm finding floss picks on the ground near vacs. Never made the connection.
  18. M

    Coin Box Upgrade

    I agree with Randy. Bill acceptors in bays can only add headaches. I'm using Coinless Mobile for credit card acceptance. It' very easy to install, been well received and I've been really happy with performance and company.
  19. M

    Air Compressor recommendation

    Go with quality and reliability and never look back. The big box units might do for inexpensive emergency back up, but they aren't built for the demands of our environment. If the tank is solid, a quality replacement compressor can be had for under a grand.
  20. M

    Considering upgrade to accept credit cards....Need Input

    Look into Coinless mobile. No bay hardware and only minimal back room hardware. Need a solid wifi signal.