Search results

  1. M

    Best Window Towel Ever

    My wife has been using them on the mirrors at home for a year or so. I finally gave it a try. Wow! She got it at WalMart. I found some up the other day at the local $ store. Won't use anything else from now on.
  2. M

    Top Automatic package pricing more than $12?

    We are priced at 8 - 10 - 12. Volume has risen modestly each of the last two years, and the top two packages account for two thirds of the washes. While I may be forced to add a buck to each wash, I'm trying to wait until volume plateaus rather than drive numbers prematurely down with an...
  3. M

    Hamilton Gold Line

    You should be able to download manuals right from Hamilton's website. MC
  4. M

    CC"Tip Line"?

    Tip lines are for food service. If a customer is intent on tipping they will ask you to add it to the charge or offer cash. Some have offered food. Wouldn't mind the occasional hug.
  5. M

    GPS and car washes ARE you in their?

    Kevin, Great resource. Thanks. I have been in contact with Garmin directly due to lack of our facility in their database. I have also received solicitations from fee based outfits offering to do the same thing as the links you provided. The sharing of this kind of information is what makes...
  6. M

    CarCare 2011. Debating on Attending

    Don't shy away from Chicago, if indeed, it ends up there one of these years. I had similar reaction when it was held there in the past, then had an opportunity to spend some time there. What a great town; no glitz, but genuine. Good food, great blues. Can't wait to get back. MC
  7. M

    Clear Fold Door, or?...

    I think I'm looking for a used scissor mechanism for an older model, 2 cylinder door. Also curious to know what others are using as a wind door at exit end of tunnels? Thanks. MC
  8. M

    Tunnel Equipment

    Unless you are heavily into the mechanical side of the operation, absolutely consider the reputation and proximity of the installer/service provider. Due diligence is imperative. Visit existing sites with a variety of equipment to see and hear pros & cons from operators and see how well...
  9. M

    100% Honest! WOW.

    I have a great customer who wouldn't accept a senior citizen discount when he washed his wife's car because she wasn't age eligible even though he was. It took me a while to realize his honesty and integrity allowed him to flaunt the fact that he bagged a younger babe.
  10. M

    New price sign, the good, the bad, and the ugly

    I was at $2./4mins a few years ago. When the time came to increase prices, I went to $3./5mins thinking the same way - give them enough time to complete the wash w/o rushing or running out of time. Found that most people didn't do the math and thought we were more expensive than the guy giving...
  11. M

    New price sign, the good, the bad, and the ugly

    If I understand you correctly you only intend to put the white price menu in the bay, no? Nice layout! I would add a header "Welcome to Sequoia Car Wash" and change "Vacuums protect" to "Vacuuming protects". What are your demographics like? What were your prices previously? It seems that...
  12. M

    Tank Heater Question

    The element on my year old Watlow has corroded due to an aggressive pre-soak solution which also circulates to keep the overhead pipe chase warm. This is my first Watlow in several years having just used a 1500w water heater element which lasted but caused other problems due to the lack of temp...
  13. M

    Tips on Increasing RO Output

    Please tell me more about recirculating RO reject water. What does the recirc and final reject configuration look like? I can see back into the supply side, but how do you separate reject to be recirculated form that which is finally rejected? I currently have two RO systems; a single 4X40 and...
  14. M

    Elevating Spot Free Tank

    I built a steel shelf a few years ago using angle iron that was probably easier and a lot stronger than wood. Rather than welding, it was drilled and bolted together and topped with a plywood deck. It easily holds a horizontal flat bottom 175 gal poly tank.
  15. M

    Oscillating motor

    Gather your specs and google Automation Direct. They should be able to set you up with a reasonable replacement.
  16. M

    Door Control on Odyssey and Quicksilver

    I don't have experience with either of those IBAs, but did configure Airlift to go up when the dryer kicked on. I think it simply involved installing a 24v relay in the control panel that closed contacts when the dryer output energized. Already had the pneumatic door switch. This system was...
  17. M

    Daily "to do" list

    14. Check all product suction lines for air gaps - bad foot valve or empty reservoir = inconsistant or over dilution.
  18. M

    Should I install doors on my self serve bays?

    I have an 8.5x17" "billboard" above the meters with a box dedicated to winter wash tips. It also asks for customer participation in controlling expenses/wash prices by keeping doors down when the temp is below freezing. The conscientious comply, but for the most part it requires diligence on my...
  19. M

    Should I install doors on my self serve bays?

    You'll not only save money on utilities, but you'll likely see more revenue as the bays will be more comfortable to wash in. We ran our first year w/o doors - what a headache; wind chill freeze-ups, walls heavily coated by frozen over spray, slushcicles everywhere and people wouldn't wash when...
  20. M

    I've Discovered The Secret to Success

    You have HOT water?