Search results

  1. M

    Roller Advice

    Getting ready for roller change. Currently using steel, Hanna style low profile, 6wheel with SC 78 chain. Frames are in okay condition, but by the time all the components are bought to rebuild, the labor will cancel any savings. Curious about the stainless and composite options that are out...
  2. M

    Fire Department

    One solution would be to install a Knox Box that contains labelled keys. Only the fire department has keys to access should they need it. It saves them the hassle of trashing doors and barriers and you the cost of repair or replacement. We also have a list of potential hazards on the other side...
  3. M

    The State of Detail

    I share Bud's philosophy but, oddly, seem to practice it more with the wash pricing than detail work, maybe because the wash is so temporary that I want to encourage frequency through affordability. We actually raised our detail prices $10-$30 this year. The vehicles we're seeing warrant it...
  4. M

    On-Line Booking

    Waxman, I stumbled upon on-line booking recently on someone else's site. We went on-line Sunday night and got first booking in less than 12 hours followed by four more this week. That almost matches last month's total bookings. Don' know why we were so slow in May because the Detailing page...
  5. M

    Express Detailing Services at the Exterior Carwash

    I may be misusing the word "express". We don't perform any services w/o an appointment. There's just not enough traffic to have the extra labor around for that service. Our "express" is esentially a full interior detail w/o the shampooing process. It takes one man 2-3hrs to complete. FWIW, we...
  6. M

    Express Detailing Services at the Exterior Carwash

    We offer four detail packages that range from $49.95 to full- inside & out -@ $179.00. The $49.95 is new because I don't like putting out anything other than a reconditioned vehicle, but there seems to be a demand.... So far, Int. Exp & Int. Full are running about 50/50, the major difference...
  7. M

    This Administration's Accomplishments

    While Obama hasn't lived up to expectations, or promises for that matter, let's not overlook what was inherited from an inept Republican President and corrupt administration. -Lack of regs and proper oversight of the GREEDY financial machine allowing the rape and pillaging the stock & housing...
  8. M

    Hamilton ACW validator conversion

    I have an 18 yr. old ACW 4 that would benefit immensely from this if it creates a brighter, easier to read display. There's a spare controller on hand here that was purchased a couple of years ago so that we could accept/dispense dollar coins as change. Never installed so wondering if that...
  9. M

    Tunnel Watch Issue?

    I think we've got it resolved. Tried this morning to run on simulated pulse but got no response from the conveyor. All other functions fired correctly. It appears to be a pseudo pulse / jam issue caused by a bad motor starter on the hydraulic pack. I guess the computer thought a roller jam had...
  10. M

    Tunnel Watch Issue?

    Excellent suggestions, Earl. I won't be back on site unitl tomorrow unless it stops entirely. At this point, we can wash so I'm reluctant to fiddle with it unitl after hours. I'll let you know how I make out. Thanks. MC
  11. M

    Tunnel Watch Issue?

    HELP! Conveyor fails to start. Roller jam error message is displayed on bottom screen even though jam has not occurred. If the TW is shut down and the computer rebooted we were able to start and run successfully for several cars. After conveyor shut down the roller jam error would pop up and...
  12. M

    Preferred Spot Free Pump

    Thanks for the replies. I've actually got some cats lying around from an equipment changeover a few year ago. Does one pump with by-pass service a manifold of valves or one pump per bay? Thanks, again. MC
  13. M

    Preferred Spot Free Pump

    I'm adding spot-free rinse (RO) to my bays. What is the best pump to use: Procon, multi-stage booster, or submersible (saw a configuration at a wash using a submersible well pump installed in a six inch pvc pipe positioned inside the storage tank)? The submersible is 1/2 -2/3 the cost of a ss...
  14. M

    Kuri-tec coil hoses

    Are these light enough so as not to slap all over the car as the customer moves around it? We went back to 1/4" straight after the last version lost its coil but I don't care for the look and slapping can be a problem. MC
  15. M

    Bird Removal

    We used to have nesting problems on our bay wallpacks. Purchased carpet "tackless" strips and glued two to top of every fixture. No more nests! Now the buggers are heading under the vac domes so we're ringing them with hardware cloth. At least they're not pulling quarters from the changer! MC
  16. M

    Dilling Harris Vending Machine

    As stated by others, your local plastic supply house or sign shop should have material and will cut to size. If you can't find any, google US Plastics. Polycarbonate is the only way to go. Lexan is just a brand name for it. MC
  17. M

    CC Protectant and Rinse Aid Recommendations

    Thank you! Thanks to those of you who provided suggestions. I will be trying some new products as soon they arrive. MC
  18. M

    CC Protectant and Rinse Aid Recommendations

    Is anyone using a great, non-mso product in their tunnel. We're not and getting glass streaking issues. I am looking for something in concentrated form so it can be metered through a Dosatron @ 500-1500:1. Info can be emailed to: so as not to upset sponsors. I'll share...
  19. M

    unnecessary Businesses

    Sounds like a request for all hands on deck to fill sand bags and try to stem the tide, as it were. Not sure that giving employees the day off would motivate them to volunteer, but it surely could be a condition. MC
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    Watch Out For ESCOS

    Heating season will be upon us all too soon. A word of caution against the deluge of utility solicitations that will follow. We were raked over by a nat. gas supplier that promised guaranteed annual savings. Still trying to get a refund - nothing but run around. BTW, company's initials are...