I think the demand heater you refer to with the circulating pump built in is for a different application than ours. It is designed to circulate water in a "Looped" household system where the hot water is always circulated (at very low volumn) to keep hot water at the fixtures at all times. I don't think this would give the volume needed for a car wash application.
Hmmm ... so those built in pumps are just to facilitate the triggering of the tankless on or off. I wonder if some tankless are not just on or off but modulate the level of btu usage based on flow?
I agree if the internal Tankless pump does not have enough GPM to keep Rocky's (now) gravity outlet tanks filled adequately .... the externally mounted & properly sized pump with the proper water lift - GPM range would be necessary. With my specific project ... but possibly not Rocky's & for sure not your floor heating hydronic application ... my description should work because I am planning to just supplement my existing capacity to heat the domestic water.
Using a domestic pump in a commercial application was your problem, not using a pump that wasn't stainless. I've seen boilers with 30 year old bronze pumps that had been running 24/7. Recommending a stainless pump based on your anecdotal data of a misapplied item is nonsensical.
Guulleee .... I would hate to think that from this day forward ... the other members of our dear forum would start defining "domestic water" as non-commercial. BTW in my humble opinion ... unless you're designing a swimming pool I personally would be leaning towards a properly sized stainless Grundfos or stainless Taco pump considering the price difference.