I DONT EVEN WANT TO BE HERE! If I had the option trust me I would've already had someone locally here. I've tried going to other carwash's asking if any of them would be able to come help fix shit and get paid but none of them showed. I even found a replacement to take my position so I could go back to the store but after the 1st day of training I called the owner to setup a time for them to meet, but I got shut down and told he's not accepting for anyone else to come in. SO I'M STUCK TRYING TO FIGURE IT OUT ON MY OWN! HE"S A POS & CHEAP AS WELL AS NOT HANDS ON AT ALL! SO BY ALL MEANS TELL ME WHAT ELSE I SHOULD DO CAUSE I'M LIMITED ON OTIONS. BUT THANKS FOR TELLING ME SOMETHING I ALREADY KNOW. WAS JUST HOPING SOMEONE MIGHT BE ABLE TO HELP ME FIGURE THIS OUT. But yes, it's a favor to my boss even though I still get paid hourly no I'm not makin anything really out of his my boss is flipping the bill for his DUMBASS BROTHER WHO DOES THE DUMBEST SHIT. SO between feeling bad for my boss and any customer who uses this carwash thats my motivation. In 10weeks since opening I've self taught everything I've learned so far from turning everything on to all the little things that I've been fixing. Its probably only about 10% of what one would need to know but if I didn't do everything I've been doing shit the customers would've still been getting the exact same carwash for all 3 packages and only 1/3rd of the damn carwash was working in the beginning but I've figured out how to change the HPP pump to hydraulic hoses and the
flojet pumps and was able to download and reinstall the ProSuite after the scam artist IT guy fricking turned it into a zipfile. which none of this is my expertise but my ADHD & OCD as well as people being taken advantage of is going to help me stay motivated and figure out whatever I need to. And if I can find others willing to help put me in the right direction great if others can't well then BY ALL MEANS "IF YOU DON"T HAVE ANYTHING NICE TO SAY, KEEP IT TO YOURSELF" no one asked you to be rude or a prick. I've been pretty clear I DONT KNOW WTF IM DOING JUST DOING THE BEST WITH WHAT I GOT.