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  1. L

    AVW Dryer Setup

    here's another, this time a NCS-Macneil tunnel doing it right after their magnum high pressure rinse arch:
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    AVW Dryer Setup

    for sure i dont plan to have 14 dryers in my tunnel, ahaha. ive been happy with 9 dryers w/ 12 ft of drip space in all my sites. so having tried flash drying immediately after the first rinse and seeing some results, is this something you've replicated or would want to replicate?
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    Touchless Tunnel System

    i think the best analogy ive ever heard is this: when you take a shower, do you just pour body wash without lathering it up and scrubbing? a car is the same thing, really. car wash scratching a car because the brush material holding dirt is a bit outdated story. those brush materials are made...
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    New Build - is it really worth it?

    would you share which manufacturer you're going with? i'm not a iba/ss guy, but i did just refit a 100ft tunnel with pretty much brand new tunnel equipment minus tunnel controller, power pack, air compressor, mcc, vacs for pretty much under 600k. i thought even petit which is one of the most...
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    New Build - is it really worth it?

    no way bro, even an express car wash washing 150-200 cars a day is barely grossing $750k in revenue.
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    AVW Dryer Setup

    i was watching some car wash videos during my downtime and i was looking at AVW's tunnel on their main youtube page: in this video, right after the high pressure rinse arch they have a flash dryer which is not something i've seen. i am assuming this is to blow away the remaining soap and...
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    New Build - is it really worth it?

    3 million to build a ss/iba? that's actually insane.
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    Premier Dryer System

    thank you! that's what i was researching as well, but its good to hear it from someone with experience.
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    Touchless Tunnel System

    you can go complete NCS-Macneil and have a menu item where you can select to have the traditional friction tunnel or a menu item with all brushes retracted for a completely touchless tunnel wash. high pressure rinse arch is a must in it -- petit xr series would be my pick if i had infinite money.
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    Best ways to clean foam generators?

    stinger puts out great cars but i do remember we would have ridiculous buildup in our applicators and gunk up our reclaim system, neither of which i go with anymore. imo you shouldn't have to clean your applicators that often, every other week at most. give new wave innovations a call for...
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    Vacant Tunnel Car Wash Building for Sale or Lease in Huntsville, AL

    i remember going down to huntsville al in 2020 to see if there was any washes i could acquire to expand into that city and i saw this wash (closed already at this point) figuring a grand arch, macneil z-frame, rinse, drip space, and 70-90hp dryer system would probably be able to rake in 50-60K...
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    Premier Dryer System

    hmm... i dont know, i feel like belanger went downhill in the last 5 years. still, i'll look into it, thanks.
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    Tunnel equipment life expectancy

    with a good weekly and monthly preventative maintenance and supply of parts, equipment can last indefinitely. one of my tunnel is 18 years old and the only thing i finally had to replace was my conveyor, mitters (basket frame eroded away too much), and dryers (rebuilt motors on some of them...
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    Recomended Pay Station to mesh with DRB

    totally understandable. we have a backup RFID reader which i got used for really cheap to take care of ones with read issues.
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    Sonny's empty promise

    my problem i have with sonnys and my local distributor is just that. they are so busy serving these big PE companies or companies with multiple sites, and mom and pop stores are often put last in the priority list. when i first got in the industry i kept getting the cold shoulder, so i started...
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    Premier Dryer System

    hello, this question is leveraged towards operators who have experience using other dryer manufacturers in addition to premier. i am planning to rebuild one of my site and it is in need of new dryer system (currently running on coleman-hanna dryers from 16 years ago). i have been considering...
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    Recomended Pay Station to mesh with DRB

    i have been using washify for the last 4 years and one thing i have to say is that every paystation has their issues. personally my down time has been very minimal and the lpr read rate hovers around 90%, but there's a washify community fb page where there's galore of people freaking out on a...
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    Lava Wall

    using a rainbar/streamer-styled foamer will reduce your chemical usage by 20-30% per application and will also spread the application evenly. sheets are overrated, none of my customers mentioned it when i went from sheet to streamer foamer.