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  1. J

    bug spray

    Do you have a booster pump? I'm guessing the booster pump is the culprit. We are going to move the solenoid to in front of the booster instead of after it.
  2. J

    bug spray

    Yes. I have found no sign of damage or debris in any of them. My tech has looked at it a couple of times. It will work for a couple of days and then start to leak again. I was just thinking that if it was possible to use the cta that I know works properly I could do away with the solenoid and...
  3. J

    bug spray

    I bought two of the 0 pressure ones you recommended. Both run water in a stream all of the time. Each lasted a few weeks then started leaking.
  4. J

    bug spray

    I'm using presoak now but have used various products. I used solenoids rated up to 1200 lbs and the last 2 close at 0. It makes no sense to me but we can't find a reason. If you go into the bay it is squirting halfway down the bay.
  5. J

    Ryco Parts

    Yeah the prox switches and photoeyes just have longer wires. They come from Banner I think. I know the prox switches do.
  6. J

    bug spray

    I have a bug spray manifold mounted on the floor in my auto (softgloss). I have bought at least 5 solenoids for the thing. I don't know if it is the fact that I'm using a booster pump or the chemical but I'm tired of buying solenoids. I'm wondering if I could use my cta and that little air pump...
  7. J

    What do you think about these financials?

    I would have to agree with that assessment. Not to mention the considerable risk involved.
  8. J

    supplier of Parker valves?

    Sonny's has the best price I've seen.
  9. J

    What do you think about these financials?

    Those automatics should do in a month what they are doing in a year. There is something wrong there somewhere. Why in the worl would a wash have 2 autos if they were only doing 17k/year in auto business?
  10. J

    Parker Solenoid Coil

    I use Sonny's.
  11. J

    ss check valve

    Ok I know where that solenoid is I think. Thats just the little gc solenoid manifold that says "soap", right? I ordered a plunger and coil. Thanks
  12. J

    Ryko foamers

    Got em. Thanks!
  13. J

    ss check valve

    I am getting soap in the rinse in 1 bay. I have a 4 bay super saver. I'm reasonably certain that I need to replace a check valve but I don't know where to look for the thing. Anybody know where it is? Thanks
  14. J

    Ryko foamers

    There is the gray u shaped PVC that the foam comes out of. It looks like the might just pull loose to allow access to the foam pads but I'm not sure and am afraid I may break the plastic. The only screw I see is the one that goes through the PVC. I'm pretty sure that's just there to hold the...
  15. J

    Ryko foamers

    What do I have to remove to get the foamers out? I know my tech has gone out there and had them out in no time at all but I can't remember how to do it. I think I get dumber every year instead of smarter!
  16. J

    Raypak floor heat boiler

    Looks like I have a bad thermostat. Probably as good an outcome as I could hope for. Thanks
  17. J

    sensortron double pulse

    All of the time.
  18. J

    sensortron double pulse

    It did not move with the board. So I've changed the timer, coin acceptor and the board.
  19. J

    sensortron double pulse

    Not yet. I'll do that in the morning.
  20. J

    sensortron double pulse

    Yes it does. I'm sure it's not that.