Search results

  1. Roz

    Dirty cars from Canadian wildfire smoke?

    DC is in a haze too, and not talking about politics.
  2. Roz

    Foam brush soap for HP soap?

    Ran out of HP soap and shipment not due to arrive until Friday. Wondering if anyone has used foam brush soap in their HP soap line? I would think it is fine but thought I would ask if any down side from firsthand experience. Thx.
  3. Roz

    Cryptopay dot net down?

    but really really slow for the pages to load....they must have used duct tape to fix the fiber
  4. Roz

    Cryptopay dot net down?

    Tech support returned my call and said they believe the fiber line will be repaired late today. Each swiper is able to store up to 80 transactions. All transactions during the downtime will be processed when system is back online.
  5. Roz

    Cryptopay dot net down?

    Yup. Website, control panel, everything has been down for two days so far. Wonder how they are handling customer swipes during that time as I have not heard anything from customers.
  6. Roz

    Can Ginsan stop button be converted to a function?

    I would agree with Dan. Add CC (Cryptopay swipers) and perhaps convert the HP Wax to the dryer as our dryers are used much more than the HP Wax especially since you offer triple foam sealant. We just removed out HP Wax for our dryer function even though our SS equipment can offer 10 options.
  7. Roz

    Can Ginsan stop button be converted to a function?

    We replaced our rotary ginsan doors with new Ultimate Lumi-Touch Meter Box LED doors from ginsan. There is a separate "Equipment Stop" button plus 10 function buttons. I believe the doors where about $2K each, perhaps a bit more with shipping and tax.
  8. Roz

    Cryptopay hook up.

    Sounds like a cell service issue but call tech support as they are usually very helpful.
  9. Roz

    Petit or razor

    Having owned five WW machines I can attest to their excellent support.
  10. Roz

    Hamilton HTK receipt tape problem

    When we had printer issues on our goldline the issue was a setting that told the system what type of printer we were using. No idea how it was changed but when tech support found and set the printer type to the correct setting it resolved the issue. We had to use our hand held controller to...
  11. Roz

    Direct injection question for self-service

    We have one wash with the traditional hydrominder and tank setup. Works great. Other wash we just converted to direct drive with injector setup (4bays). system has 10 chemical functions. Holding off on any judgements until we have a little more data and resolve some issues from the...
  12. Roz

    Finally a credit card reader that accepts tap and chip cards

    Ouch! Makes me feel better about the 3.5% fees from CryptoPay, which in reality are slightly higher if you add in the green receipts and remote start fees for the year.
  13. Roz

    WashWorld APEX video

    Cool video, wonder how much water it uses.
  14. Roz

    Are customers getting dumber?

    People do not read. People do not think. People like to complain. People want something for nothing. Fortunately they have been in the minority at our locations and the good interactions (including the thanks for renovating the old wash and making it their go to wash) make my day and make...
  15. Roz

    Previous ownership google reviews

    We responded to all previous reviews basically saying wash is being run by a new owner as of X date, please give us a try (if negative review) as we run the place where we strive to make things "right" by our customers. We respond to all new reviews in a timely manner and our response has at...
  16. Roz

    Insatallation costs for New IBA

    And if you have a really really good installer you can have them do the electrical and plumbing too. The electrical and plumbing is not complex for an installer with experience installing WW equipment. Saves you a little to have one person taking ownership for the entire installation process...
  17. Roz

    Conversion of a SS carwash to mini storage

    Wondering if anyone on this forum as experience converting a self service carwash to a mini storage business? We decided to convert a 5 bay SS location into various sized storage facility. The 5 bays have three walls so we are adding wind resistant roll up doors to each bay and then looking at...
  18. Roz

    Petit or razor

    What size bay do you have? Washworld just announced a new Profile that is a combination Razor and Profile (called Apex Profile) so customers can select if they want Touch Free or a Soft Cloth wash experience. No idea on the details as it was just announced at the car wash show in Vegas but...
  19. Roz

    New buyer - 6 self serve bays and one IBA

    If the place is a touch free wash then you are not competing with a tunnel that is open 9-5, has higher operating costs than you, and is a different beast than an IBA. Also people who want to use a self service bay are not going to a tunnel. Both places can thrive in the same town. Make...
  20. Roz

    New buyer - 6 self serve bays and one IBA

    3x Gross Revenue is fairly standard and reasonable. New equipment can cost you $200K but maybe the equipment just needs a good service call and to be programmed better than today. The Ask is in the ballpark and if the place is grossing $400K it is a good or solid location. With a new approach...