Search results

  1. E

    Dual foam brush

    I think Ton Hoffman has the setup with a separate boom and wheel brush. A wobblehead handle would reduce the freeloaders.
  2. E

    Dual foam brush

    "Thoughts or ideas?" 1. Looks like it will break easily where the Brush is T'd Off. 2. Have wobbleheads now to cut down on free use. This makes it more likely to use one for free. 3. If you just want a scrubbing option an entire seperate brush and handle could be provided without soap flow...
  3. E

    2017 ICA Convention

    How would you control which side the soap came out of?
  4. E

    Video Scree Messages

    Lots of Fast food places I go to now have menus on HD TVs and some sort of Menu software. Anyone using some HD TVs for their tunnes perhaps showing Video of Extra Service etc. to promote sales? Any canned software?
  5. E

    New Cherokee/Durango coasting in neutral?

    Great thing about the forum. Lots of ideas. Some even good!
  6. E

    New Cherokee/Durango coasting in neutral?

    Older washes like mine that had a drag chain conveyor were built with floor having a slight incline to keep chain tight. When converted sometimes cars would roll forward and back. So many used a "Ladder" I think Sonny's sold a prefab at one time. Today with flatter floors this can be an issue...
  7. E

    One price Inbay Automatic

    As Robert said. "I don’t think the operator would be happy with outcome." But, you never know. There is a reason many Tunnels have gone from multiple platforms, EE and FS with prices starting at $6.99 and higher to $3-$4. Start. They may have washed 40,000 at an average of $12.00 but are...
  8. E

    crypto pay site analytics

    I think I've go it. I really don't look at the website much. But last time I did I think it told me what each swiper was doing. So, it's easy to tell what the revenue was. Have not embarked on Vacs yet due to having to install display timers etc. I manage by SOTP. (Seat of the pants. ) Put...
  9. E

    One price Inbay Automatic

    There was a frequent poster (Chiefs) I think who initially had one price I think and then added a few extras.
  10. E

    Vending Air

    No additional issues with Pay Air machine. Perhaps not as lucrative as a vacuum, but about as maintenance / labor free an income source as you can have.
  11. E

    Vacuums with display timers and Cryptopay

    I think it's a no brainer. If you already have crypto on site the incremental cost is about $350.00 for the swiper. Don't know what the incremental cost of upgrading to this timer is. $200.00? It's tough to judge incremental revenue, but there is always an ease of payment factor. How many Gas...
  12. E

    Floor Epoxy

    Since we have had to put steel plates where the passenger side tires roll because of concrete wear I doubt any epoxy will hold up there. Non tire areas painted with a concrete floor paint from Home depot seem to last over a year. Been thinking of getting some color matting in 6' x 10"...
  13. E

    Mars Bill acceptor

    Dang, those pesky 5's and 10's as opposed to coins.
  14. E

    Soap Scum in HP wash tank

    Switched from KR HP product to their low PH product. Snot basically became a non issue. Still, bought swimming pool chlorine pellets and throw one in the tank every once in a while.
  15. E

    Insurance headaches

    Well, March 27 marked the one year anniversary of the roof Collapse Hope to be open in a couple of weeks.
  16. E

    Cryptopay signal question?

    Have you tried swapping the problem swiper with one that has no issues to see what happens?
  17. E

    Kleen Rite?

    I buy lots of stuff from KR. Few issues.
  18. E

    Identifying vacuum/coin acceptor

    You might be able to use this but note coin slot is at an angle.
  19. E

    LED Visual Replacement Kit

    Bought inexpensive string of Flashing color changing LEDs. Used a color plasitc file divider from Office depot. MAde a tube of the plastic and insert in liquid tubes then make the LED Tape into 3 coils and insert in tubes. LAsts years.
  20. E

    History Buff? Want this?

    Came across the Automatic Car Wash Association manual of Marketing, Advertising , Public Relations & Promotion , prepared by R.R. Gus Trantham Executive Director(1970-71. First person to PM Me with snail mail address gets it.