Search results

  1. Waxman

    Gasoline in the trunk !!!!!

    1. Put on some rubber gloves. 2. Sop up the gas with some old bath towels. 3. Drape the towels over an old lawn chair or similar out of the way; over sand, if you can. The gas will evaporate in a day or so. Dispose of properly. 4. Pull the rubber plug in the trunk bottom. 5. Wash the...
  2. Waxman

    Intermittent no-vend

    Oh, I'm not worked up. It has been working fine as of late.
  3. Waxman

    Intermittent no-vend

    Sounds complicated and expensive.
  4. Waxman


    I see going from a tunnel wash to an IBA as going backwards and that is something I never want to do in business. It seems to make more sense to make improvements to what you have. I have a touchfree IBA. It's okay, but I could make alot more $$ if I were better-able to satisfy peak carwash...
  5. Waxman

    You can lose 20% of your customer base with same revenue

    I lowered time from 3.5 min for $2 to 3 minutes based on my friend 'whale's' advice. Results are positive from a revenue standpoint and from a customer standpoint, no one has noticed, IMO.
  6. Waxman

    Intermittent no-vend

    One of my drink rows will arbitrarily turn only slightly when selected and will not vend or try to vend once it stops the first time. I bought new side scans after the problem 'migrated' to other selections and it seemed to fix the problem. Now it's back, but only intermittently and in 1 row...
  7. Waxman

    What to do about soaps?

    I use Kleen Rite's In-Bay presoak, which I believe is a JBS product. It is high ph and I use 2 passes. It works very well and is cost effective for me.
  8. Waxman

    How come there's no business?

    I agree that there are positive signs out there; you just have to look for them. I try to tweak my business fairly consistently to keep things going along. New suppliers, better methods, and ever-improving efficiencies are the name of the game. I also look for new places to make a little...
  9. Waxman

    Sta-Rite RO Pump options

    I replaced a Sta-Rite with a Dayton I bought from 'Back4more' (his username on ACF). Get a price from him, too. As I recall it was the best price I found. Pump has worked flawlessly.
  10. Waxman

    Hypocritical or not?

    I dunno; I just like the American flag. Ever since I started a business I have felt more patiotic. Some nations have a strong association w/their flag and some do not. Don't know why.
  11. Waxman

    Hypocritical or not?

    More flags=better. I say put the American flag on anything! Well.....almost anything. This is America and if a person loves the flag, they should feel free to display it. Tastefully is always better, IMO.
  12. Waxman

    Best High Speed IBA Doors

    It seems pretty nuts to me that anyone would spend over $6k for a fabric door with aluminum frame that cannot withstand one winter season! Where's the upside here? I don't see one. Sounds like an inferior, over-priced product or maybe just the wrong application. However, it sounds as though...
  13. Waxman

    Window Residue - how to clean windows

    Yes good point Soapy. I wash all my windo towels separate from all else.
  14. Waxman

    Window Residue - how to clean windows

    My windows procedure: 1. Kleen Rite Glass Cleaner concentrate applied w/micro fiber towel. 2. Wipe w/surgical towel. 3. mist with clear water and wipe again with fresh surgical towel I recently added the third step because windows are very difficult for us to get as good as I like them (which...
  15. Waxman

    Solar Hot Water Quote.

    What is passive solar drainback?
  16. Waxman

    New Policy Needed for 55's!!

    Looks good. Do they sell?
  17. Waxman


    Noticed a new banner ad on the ACF page! Anyone else enticed into going? I'm going with my Dad and we are driving to A.C. from Massachusetts. Fun!
  18. Waxman

    Tornador Update

    Good to know MEP1; never thought of that fact but makes sense now that you said it.
  19. Waxman

    Customer's $1.00 lost in your equipment... What do you do?

    Sending $1 costs no more than $1.50. Just send the cash. Bill P is right; you will WOW the customer this way and they will be back.
  20. Waxman

    Tornador Update

    I have yet to install my water separator but intend to soon. We drain our compressor daily, so water in the tool doesn't seem to be a problem. The Only issue we have had has been the screen in the pickup. These things are fantastic!