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  1. N

    How often do you guys change your pump oil?

    Also what about compressor oil?
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    How often do you guys change your pump oil?

    How often should I change mine?
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    Windshield washer fluid or RV anti freeze?

    Thanks guys 👍
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    Windshield washer fluid or RV anti freeze?

    2biz what kind of clamps are those that you’re using on the manifold block? What kind of container are you sucking the wiper fluid out of? Are you running the wiper fluid through a filter before it hits the flojet?
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    Foamy Brush (Winter)

    For you guys that mix methanol with your current soap, is there a certain kind of methanol that works best? Is this the same stuff as methanol racing fuel?
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    Where to get metal troughs

    Soapy, do you care to shoot us a picture whenever you get a chance? What size electrical boxes are you using?
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    RO system price?

    MEP I’ve never done anything like that before but I’d like to learn. The only thing that concerns me is the wiring. Would that be difficult or is it fairly easy?
  8. N

    RO system price?

    Has anyone priced a spot free rinse and delivery system lately? I’ve got a couple of quotes and the ginsan systems on the kleen rite website honestly seem to be the best. I would need delivery for 4 bays. Does anyone have a ginsan system? How do they perform?
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    Building an anti freeze/air blowdown

    I would absolutely love to do this. I’m in Tennessee. Our winters are not terrible here but currently during the winter I have to go down to wash every night and blow out all the lines. I installed some ball valves last year that would let me blow out my lines manually with compressed air. The...
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    Building an anti freeze/air blowdown

    Has anyone done this? How hard was it to do ? How much more cost effective is it to build verses purchase a unit?
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    Lexan covers

    Mine have been on about a year and are cracking from end to end. Anyway to prevent this?
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    Lexan covers

    I’ve been trying to find replacement lexan covers for the dixmor 6 timers. The only ones I’ve been able to find are a flat cover. My current covers have a protruding section that fits flush through the display cut out in the meter box. Does anyone know where to find the covers that fit flush...
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    Equipment Room Door Lock

    That is very nice. Love it.
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    Meter Door Locks Jammed

    Thanks guys, a local locksmith was able to salvage the lock and fix the problem for $45. The lock had a flat pick broken off in it. Unbelievable.
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    Meter Door Locks Jammed

    So I was going to replace one of my beepers and Dixmor timers today. When I went to open the meter I noticed my keys didn’t fit. Then I noticed someone has broke off a key or something in lock mechanism. I have no experience with drilling locks. Can anyone give me some suggestions on how to do that?
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    Equipment Room Door Lock

    Good morning guys, I had a thief try to break into my equipment room last night but luckily they were caught in the process. I currently only have a regular door lock and a dead bolt. The thief was trying to pick my locks. Can you guys give me some ideas/suggestions as to how you secure your...
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    JBS Predator Power

    Anyone using it for tire cleaner in self serve? How does it compare to JBS Mighty White or KR Kleen White?
  18. N

    Which function would you add?

    Do dryers and RO kind of serve the same purpose? If you use RO yo shouldn’t have spots even if you don’t dry right? Also if you dry you shouldn’t have spots even if you don’t use RO?
  19. N

    Which function would you add?

    Do dryers and RO kind of serve the same purpose? If you use RO yo shouldn’t have spots even if you don’t dry right? Also if you dry you shouldn’t have spots even if you don’t use RO?
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    Which function would you add?

    MEP are there any units that you would suggest off the top of your head?