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    Need advise/feedback on location & plan for new car wash

    This is a thread from over a year ago… looks like someone else revived the thread with a different question. I still appreciate the two recent replies to my original post. Just to give you guys an update, I purchased the property and own it free and clear. I’ve been working with an architect...
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    The "New Posts" link returns a database error

    pitzerwm, fyi... The "New Posts" link returns a database error.
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    Carwashing tunes

    Have you ever heard the lyrics to "Grease Lightning"? I don't think I'd play that song at my wash. I agree with the post above, just play what is popular with your demographics. That is what I plan to do. PS ? Don?t forget to pay the music associations' their license fees.
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    Cameras in Change Machines...

    Has anyone installed cameras in their self-serve meter boxes?
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    Anybody tried "Upper Hand" on their walls?

    Your pictures are not displaying.
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    Tri-Gloss in SS Bays - Is it worth it?

    Anyone have tri-gloss in their SS bays? Are customers using it? I'm trying to figure out if it's worth getting for my new wash. Thanks.
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    How many cars do you wash per month in your IBA?

    Google is my friend too. :) I’m already familiar with that page, but thank you. I was hoping to find the actual data, but thanks anyway.
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    How many cars do you wash per month in your IBA?

    Can I find this online? Where can I find this data? Thanks.
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    How many cars do you wash per month in your IBA?

    For those of you with IBAs (Rollovers), on an average, how many cars do you wash per month? For those with multiple locations, select your best performing wash. I?m sure results will vary based on location, traffic count, etc., but it might be neat to see what the average works out to be.
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    We Want Your Feedback

    John, I sent you a PM with my email address. Thanks!!
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    We Want Your Feedback

    I don’t own one of your vendors, yet so I don’t know if this is already a feature, but here’s an idea… Keep the money separate from the product during stocking. For example, if you want to have your attendant stock the shelves, but not have access to the money. Maybe have a separate access...
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    Optimum times for startup and bonus promotions

    Well said!!
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    D & S Odyssey soft touch.

    Thanks Mike for your detailed answer, yes that does help!! Andy
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    D & S Odyssey soft touch.

    Hi Mike, I?m looking to purchase an Odyssey and a QuickSilver (touch-free) side-by-side. We have no soft-touch washes in our area, mainly just touch-free IBAs. I?m tempted to instead purchase two Odysseys side-by-side. Do you every wish you would have went with two soft-touch IBAs instead of...
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    Vending Products That Work

    Does anyone own their own pop machine? I was planning on buying my own machine and stocking it myself.
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    Gas Prices, Rain have Dried my Bays

    Well said!!
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    How does this work for dollar bills? Are there separate vaults, one for coins and one for bills? What is the vault like for the dollar bills, does it empty into a big box, then it’s up to you to sort and stack the bills?
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    Where to put money today?

    How 'bout a linky to your banky? ;)
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    Where to put money today?

    After maxing out my retirement contributions, I’m putting everything else in my E-Trade Savings Account which makes 5.05%. It’s FDIC insured, no minimum balance and no fees. I have yet to find a savings account that will make more then that.
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    Marketing Plan - Direct Mail

    Great feedback!! Thanks guys!! You’ve pretty much confirmed what I was thinking. I was leaning toward the coupon offer to hopefully reach more people and help recoup the expense of the marketing. The down side… 1. It will cost me 4x more to send the 10,000 discount postcards over the...