Search results

  1. Rfreeman

    Wall cleaner and signs?

    I have tiled walls and brick at my washes. When I first bought them I spent a weekend deep cleaning them and since then every 2 to 3 month depending on the months of year we use a paint roller and roll acid on them and power wash them. The first time is always a b*&tch because its probably...
  2. Rfreeman

    Looking for an EIC for Hamilton GoldLine

    Fast Wash I think I might have one from a Goldline that was broken into. They ripped the door off and stole the hopper but aside from missing a hopper and door everything is in good shape. I can check Monday
  3. Rfreeman

    City Pressure for JC Super Saver

    Thanks for the reply Greg this is for the stand I picked up from you so that is helpful. I'm going to check my other super saver stand at my other location as well.
  4. Rfreeman

    City Pressure for JC Super Saver

    Hey guys does anyone know the normal operating parameters for the city water pressure for a Jim Coleman Super Saver. This would be the water going to the cold water rinse manifold down at the bottom. I ask because at my 6 bay wash if all the bays are full and say 3 or 4 are using rinse and the...
  5. Rfreeman

    Manifold Solenoid replacement

    Kleenrite has them
  6. Rfreeman

    What company makes vacs that use a 5gallon bucket instead of the goldrush style pan

    I dont know the exact size but Jim Coleman has Super Vacs that for lack of better word oval in nature. The dirt catcher is a large, larger than 5 gal, bin which i don't know why you would need ot that big. Personally inhave never let those bins get any where close to half full.
  7. Rfreeman

    Self Made Foamers

    Thabks for the replies guys. Looks like I have a trip to HD to see what kind of strainer I can drum up.
  8. Rfreeman

    It’s official!

    Welcome to the community of owners. I'll reiterate what Greg said, Coleman is a good line of equipment. Their support isn't worth a damn but any issues post them here and I'm sure we can get you fixed up faster than Coleman can or would.
  9. Rfreeman

    Self Made Foamers

    So on the last rehab project I made my foamers for tri foam and foam brush. Used about a 12" PVC pipe and stuffed it with steel wool. Fast forward 15 months and 2 of my 6 bays pushed a small piece of the wool all the way to the tip of the tri foam clogging it up. One of the same bays about 6...
  10. Rfreeman

    CAT CP 2120 Vibration

    So did you ever fix this? I'm curious what it was based on the different replies
  11. Rfreeman

    New Tunnel Coming...

    Your IBA revenue will take hit more than your ss side. On average I would estimate 30% from others I have talked to here in Tx
  12. Rfreeman

    Selling my wash

    If the property (land) is a lot more then any commercial realtor worth anything could easily pull comps for you. I would note on the listing value in the land.
  13. Rfreeman

    Selling my wash

    Your potential buyer is either going to be a newbie looking to get into the business or an experienced operator. Personally, I think you would have better luck trying to find an existing operator looking to add another location. This person would be an informed buyer and would know what they...
  14. Rfreeman


    I think your better off posting your problem on here to see if the group can help you vs finding someone. I'm here in Ft Worth and the techs I know are swamped busy mainly bc there is only 2 or 3 that I know of. I know one tech and he would make the drive for a fee but he's also booked out...
  15. Rfreeman

    Coleman SS Spot Free

    Why do you want more pressure? If it's low pressure it takes more time in the bay which means more money.
  16. Rfreeman

    Income Tax Advantages

    I believe since the property is considered special use (i.e. singular purpose) there is also accelerated depreciation on the bldgs.
  17. Rfreeman

    Newbie Evaluation

    I would definitely rebuild what you have that will be a lot cheaper and like Mep said you will learn how it works. With regard to your location being closed a while, my first wash was closed 3 years due to foreclosure. I asked the neighboring businesses about the wash they all told me it used...
  18. Rfreeman

    Help evaluating potential purchase.

    For $150K are you talking everything or just the self-serve side? If its Jim Coleman equipment you should be fine unless he beat it to hell I would rebuild it all and make sure its working properly, hell it would be a lot cheaper. It sounds like it is all Coleman equipment with the 9 button...
  19. Rfreeman

    Who's the best?

    Hell I might get into then! Haha No all kidding aside I think I helped 5 newbies just this week over phone and text. It seems a lot of washes are turning over and the new commers are not willing to turn wrenches....
  20. Rfreeman

    Korean "Car Culture" Car Washes

    Just curious if you have a wash or looking to get into the business? " It seems US self serves are sadly a dying breed and operators are mostly doing there best to maintain" I've been doing this for 8 years only, far from the experience a lot of these guys have, but my revenue has increased...