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    WW2.0 Alarm19

    Sure i did order a set of new emitter and reciver eyes from coleman hanna just in case and still need to descale it with what Greg said above. But increasing the tilt definitely fixed the error. Perhaps the eyes are about to go bad or they need descaling. But this help to wash the back of the...
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    WW2.0 Alarm19

    PROBLEM SOLVED: As I said above the issue was that the boom was not tilting enough while washing the back of the cars. That made the water gets between the eyes and getting this error. However the solution was not fixing the lovejoints (Which I still need to do to keep my machine well...
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    WW2.0 Alarm19

    Hello, We keep getting this Alarm 19 which says "While lowering boom at the rear of car, boom safety eyes saw an obstruction". I did clean the 4 eyes on the boom but still the same. Not sure if this is related to this but I feel like the boom tilts much more than before specially on the front of...
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    Infrared heaters

    UPDATE: PROBLEM SOLVED: It was the Ignition Module, yes on all of the 4 heaters I have. Changed few days ago and now it starts and stays on every single time.
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    Infrared heaters

    UPDATE: first of all my heaters are: Superior Radiant brand and I have this issue on three of my heaters out of 4. So far we changed the flame sensors but no lock. The ignitor still tries to ignite as if the system doesn't understand the flame is on. So we bent the flame sensor to really touch...
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    Infrared heaters

    Thanks, what do you mean by “not coming on”? My heaters start and try for 3 times but then they quit so they do come on but they dont stay on
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    Infrared heaters

    Hello, winter is coming fast here in Canada and it gets close to zero at night where we are. So we put the thermostat on 10c on the heaters in the bays (I got 4 of them) . My heaters seem to struggle to stay on. They start and try 3 times and then quit. If I keep them active every hour or so...
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    CAT2120 High Pressue Valves O Ring

    Hello awesome folks of AutoCareforum, It seems like every month I need to change the little plastic O ring on the high pressure valves on only one of my pumps since it keeps loosing pressure (this morning it was about 900 psi vs Normal of 1200psi) and also vibrate a little bit. First I thought...
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    Hot water tank Low Water sensor

    Chaz, I dont have a high sensor, do you use coleman hanna as well? I dont even see a place for it (Thinking maybe someone removed it before), a picture would be nice.
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    Hot water tank Low Water sensor

    thanks Greg actually could you show me how to bypass the switch?
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    Hot water tank Low Water sensor

    Hello in our Coleman Hanna super saver the low water sensor inside the hot water tank sends false signal to the LW relay (so the green light is on) and as the system thinks the tank is empty it stops the pumps. Do you know where can I buy that sensor to replace?
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    How much for your vacuums and time in bay?

    bang on man.....
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    How much for your vacuums and time in bay?

    I totally agree that everything needs to be working all the time and I do hate orange cones which I barely use. But it took me almost a year to get my customers back from my competition. Having cheap customers is better than having empty bays. Yes if one day I get to the point that I'm so busy...
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    tire and engine cleaner leaking out the gun in my SS bays

    I don't have quite same setup but it sounds like a strange problem. Did you try a new flojet pump? If it comes out from all the bays, how is it that all of the plungers are left open? Usually there is only one with some trash got stock in it.
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    Coin Vs Credit card

    I agree with everyone else, keep the prices the same. IF anything your CC should cost more as it is costing you more (You know paying your CC company).
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    How much for your vacuums and time in bay?

    SS: $1=1:20 min (And start from $1; Used to start from $2 but had to change that since my competition is like that) Vacuum: $1=1:30min But isn't all these a function of how much competition you have. I'm simply matching my closest carwash.
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    hydrominder filter

    Hello, I was cleaning this filter (see pic) inside the hydrominder tanks and this one from tire cleaner just came off. I guess it was almost broken. also noticed my presoak and hp soap detergent tank don't have them. Is it a big deal to not too have them? I realize that trash can get stock on...
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    best Wax tip size

    Thanks Greg for the tip....that's what I'm going to do. I already reduced the tip one size butI still like to see a bit a of a foam/bubble like how you said.
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    Tripple shine issue

    Thanks Chaz that was exactly the issue....I know I tend to over think things and make them more complicated that what they are...
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    best Wax tip size

    No it goes from the hydrominder to the solenoid valves manifold, and then from there Tees to the hp pump intake from the hot water tank.