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    Anyone notice an increase in business for 2021?

    If your sales haven't gone up your doing something wrong.
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    Need Ideas on Installing Lock Bars On Meters to Cover Plug Locks

    Try plug locks from LAI. We kept getting break ins with Medeco and once we switched it stopped after a few failed attempts.
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    Animal Trailers

    We had the PD and FD show up at one of our washes last week because someone reported a gas leak. Place was shut down and gas company came out and we were cleared. The place smelled really bad and did smell like natural gas. One of our guys showed up and said, that smell is from rotten onions...
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    New CryptoPay WorldPay fee

    We disconnected our last Hamilton DAN last week and converted that site to CryptoPay. Our fees were 2x higher with Hamilton not to mention the cost of replacing components.
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    Is there a way to block certain credit cards on Cryptopay?

    There isn't much you can do since you don't have a chip reader. And since, "we" aren't in compliance our hands are tied. We get a few every couple months and always seem to be the same card numbers. We have tried to block them but have had zero luck. I understand if they say I didn't feel secure...
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    Ginsan Problem - Unable to Open Door

    A lot of equipment uses that type of bolt and nut to secure doors shut. 9 times out of 10 the issue arises from over tightening.
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    Drive tires on M5 Laserwash

    They will work for a while and as the moisture and chemical builds up they will start slipping on the rim. Tried it years ago and went back to pneumatic
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    Hamilton 2016 HTK screen issue

    HTK has a plexiglass in front of the screen that wears with the sun and makes it hard to see, you can take your screen off and check. Hamilton also has an upgrade kit for a new screen that looks much better and does away with the plexiglass
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    Air Shammee vs Air Shammee II

    We have quite a few of the 3 phase models and they have worked flawlessly. Mounted them in the equipment room and ran PVC out to the bays
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    autos are 68% CC and 32% cash self serve is 19% credit but slowly rising
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    Caught on Camera. Why it’s good to have quality cameras.

    Bet you could get just about anything out of them within reason if threatened with sending the video to the local news outlet
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    Pay Station Removal Drunk Driver Style

    Guess he didn't like the sign stating he was being digitally recorded...
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    Grease for Overhead Springs

    CorrosionX – Corrosion Technologies We use this on motors, electrical connections, HP crimp fittings...everything and anything that could rust or corrode BTW, WD-40 is water based and dries out
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    Dumb luck

    That will definitely give you a great boost
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    Re wash codes for people not paying attention to back up light

    We always try to give free rewash or 2 depending on situation versus giving back cash. If he hasn't called back he probably had charges reversed with his CC company. Especially if you don't have an EMV reader, its automatic.
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    friction or not to friction that is the question.

    We have PDQ units, very happy with them.
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    friction or not to friction that is the question.

    Not sure about loss of business but will cost you on the utility side. Water and Elect bills have gone down quite a bit due to smaller motors and less water used on a friction wash compared to a TF. And this is with higher wash volume to boot
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    Beacon Mobile

    We have them but only in our bays not vacs. So far so good
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    Anybody ever added a bay on the end?

    We have considered it but can't justify the expense. Would rather add another IBA Randy has a good point on the power, increasing power can get costly. We had to go to 400 amp service at our last site and it was almost $20k all in just to increase the service
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    Look for a reputable manufacture with good service in your area. Was taught in school not to mix water and electricity...add some corrosive chemical to that equation and stuff will break down.