Search results

  1. E

    Coinless Car wash

    Here is a sample of my seperate Boxes. You could try a couple and see if there a re theft issues.
  2. E

    Coin Box Upgrade

    Or you can add a separate box fr CC and Bill acceptance and put that closer to the entrance. Although mine are next to the existing box they are already near the entrance. I figured if they attacked that box the bay would still work with the existing box.
  3. E

    Carwash Closings

    Before you close get a hold of the copy of the order. The wording may or may not have language that follows the DHS guidelines . Some of them exempt GAs Stations, Auto repair shops............. and "Related Facilities. " You could claim the car wash is related until some official says...
  4. E

    When/how often to change vac bags

    Noob, You need to look at motors running with the door open. Otherwise suctions from good motors will cause bad ones to spin.
  5. E

    Cryptopay “end charge button” bypass

    Any Re Training pays back huge dividends. _ No different than a customer paying t the pump with a credit card and pumping until they stop.
  6. E

    Mixed denomination Bill Counter

    Just got the Ribao BC-55 Mixed Bill counter - so far so good. Not many rejects.
  7. E

    Cryptopay “end charge button” bypass

    MAybe a sticker that look s like a stop sign and an arrow pointing to the swiper button?
  8. E

    Foam brush problems

    I saw video - try to dial it back a little - but it looks good.
  9. E

    Crypto Pay

    Same Start Price $15 Max.
  10. E

    2 motor vac / 2 motor + 1 turbo vac / 3 motor vac

    Thought I read on here sometime ago about huge diminishing returns on a 2" hose from 2 to 3 motors. I also think the surface are of most vac nozzls is less than the 2" hose
  11. E

    Foam brush problems

    You can - I Do.
  12. E

    Foam brush problems

    How many bays on each side of the ER?
  13. E

    2 motor vac / 2 motor + 1 turbo vac / 3 motor vac

    If you have 3 motors make certain your wiring and breakers can handle it.
  14. E

    Has anyone ever regretted Cryptopay

    I agree. Someone on FB was telling me I should charge more for CC startup - of course he knew nothing about my competition. I din't bother to tell him I feel the same as you vis a vis CC customers typically using more than the minimum anyway.
  15. E

    Used Tire Shine machines

    The coverage occurs to some extent by applying the product to a wet tire and the tire roll after it exits the machine.
  16. E

    Equilibrium Monitoring equipment?

    I can't see a need for off site chemical level monitoring. Someone needs to be on site with enough frequency to clean up and solution levels can easily be maintained for a week of washing. Can it tell you if pump, hose, bearing, or motor fails?
  17. E

    Foam brush problems

    Any chance the water is siphoning back into the concentrate bucket overnight? Did you drill a small hole in the Hydrominder fill tube to prevent this?
  18. E

    CarWash Consignment

    Bought a couple Coleman Combo Vacs from them years ago - no issues.
  19. E

    Used Tire Shine machines

    See my posts 6,14, 16. I think you have to appreciate some limitations like aftermarket low profile tires. Other than that the Viper unit is about as trouble free or less than most pieces of tunnel equipment.
  20. E

    Foam brush problems

    If you have issues on busy days it could be because all the hydrominders are running at the same time causing low flo and poor suction in the foam brush unit. Have you checked on this?