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  1. MEP001

    trying to install cryptopay in a dated carwash

    They seem to hold up well, not uncommon to see them last five years. I don't know about ice, but you could put a 24V heater on the inside of the door.
  2. MEP001

    New Owner and retro fit!

    That's also what was done at my wash before it was mine. The sign alone worked for several years, but people eventually figured out that there were no tokens and abuse got to be too much. I did the same thing at another wash many years even before that, and it worked there too. My signs have...
  3. MEP001

    trying to install cryptopay in a dated carwash

    The one I pictured was custom made. I can get the bare door for as little as $65 depending on the quantity. There are a few standard layouts that various car wash suppliers sell but AFAIK none of them are exactly how I had these designed.
  4. MEP001

    trying to install cryptopay in a dated carwash

    You can install Cryptopay in any car wash, on any electronic coin-operated equipment. You have to wire it inline with the coin acceptor so it sends coin pulses to the timer. There are a couple ways it can be configured to work in count-down mode, always a set number of pulses per swipe, then...
  5. MEP001

    Fill in the Blank: Owning a car wash in 2020____________________________________

    Judging by how well most car washes here are doing, I'm sure any car washes that have closed "due to COVID-19" were going to anyway.
  6. MEP001

    New Owner and retro fit!

    IMO the placement of the foam gun is important. I like to mount foam brush and foam gun on the wall opposite the meter with the foam brush hanging in the center of the bay wall and the foam gun mounted near the entrance across from the high-pressure gun and the meter. Another local operator...
  7. MEP001

    New Owner and retro fit!

    I mix tokens into my changer to deter abuse. If I didn't, I'd be losing about $1500 in quarters a week. I use the cheapest tokens and value them for a quarter, only mix about 5% in, and it's not a problem for customers. Nothing has been modified except for coin acceptors that take quarters...
  8. MEP001

    Fill in the Blank: Owning a car wash in 2020____________________________________

    The following is an example of hijacking a thread. It's called an off-topic comment. In what universe were you careful to avoid making that comment, not to mention the sheer lunacy of the comment itself? Or is this an extremely thinly-veiled "waterproof dollar coin" promotion?
  9. MEP001

    VAC IT UP SYSTEM Questions

    I use the regular Domel vac motors. They never fail, I only have to change the brushes every two years. I would definitely use Domel on a vac-it-up system since the biggest problem I've seen with them is clogs due to a failed motor.
  10. MEP001

    D&S 5000

    The solenoid might not be fully opening, pretty common on those. The pump may not be completely primed which will cause a loss of pressure. I used to add a union fitting in place of the long nipple coming up out of the elbow to make priming easier.
  11. MEP001

    D&S 5000

    Look on the plumbing hanging off the pump for a small valve, make sure the valve is closed. Some of them for some reason have a bypass valve that dumps most of the pressure back to the pump inlet when it's open. Is there any air coming out with the presoak?
  12. MEP001

    Designing our own meter box decals

    I do, but they don't look like the ones you pictured.
  13. MEP001

    Foam brush marks on aluminiuim

    I would bet the marks are from dirt off the cars.
  14. MEP001

    Pushlok check valves

    If you can blow through it, it's 1 PSI or less.
  15. MEP001


    Fixed that one for you too.
  16. MEP001

    No Cash Credit Cards Only.

    It's in the extra money people spend when using their credit card.
  17. MEP001

    how long will a cat 620/3 pump last

    I've seen 50 year old 623 pumps clacking away at a busy location.
  18. MEP001

    Arkansas idiot drives trailer in new Razor

    I've been doing this for 38 years. No one is going to walk all over me and expect me to kiss their hand for a few coins. "Customer service" extends both ways. A person has a right to deposit their money and get the service they pay for. None of that entitles them to destroy equipment, leave...
  19. MEP001


    Nor anyone else's, with one unpopular exception.
  20. MEP001

    Arkansas idiot drives trailer in new Razor

    Just the other day I saw a guy pull in, back his trailer against the curb so it was hanging over into the grass, pull all his stuff out and started sweeping something out. First issue, it was pretty clear he wasn't going to wash anything. Second issue, he's dumping something that I'd have no...